ITALY – The 190 million-euro Italian pension fund Laborfonds has tendered a total of 20 million euros in equities and bonds through IPE-Quest.

The briefs are for global equities global bonds, both worth 10 million euros.

The fund is for employees of the Trentino Alto Adige region and has a strategic allocation of 60-40 bond-equities. It said it is looking for EU-based asset managers to join the fund’s existing four managers.

The application process starts with the download of a request for participation, “richiesta di partecipzione” from the fund’s internet site:

The fund then should fax back an authorisation of participation , which would allow candidates to fill a questionnaire, also be downloaded from the website, under the name “ 342 Global Equity”, “343 Global Bond”.

The fund requires that the final draft of the application form, which is contained in an excel file, to be sent via e-mail and by post. Both the application forms are to reach the fund by 5pm on March 19.

Applying managers are also asked to have every page of the tender sent by post signed by an authorised legal representative of the company.
