Latest from IPE Magazine – Page 102
Asset Class Reports
Emerging market equities – India & China
India and China offer a template to understand future perspectives in light of COVID-19
Perspective: COVID-19: Funds seek solace in the long term
COVID-19 is forcing European pension funds to put on a brave face as asset portfolios and funding ratios plummet, and regulators soften their stances.
Opinion Pieces
Pandemic quickens existing trends
It was probably inevitable that many would declare that the Covid-19 pandemic changes everything. The only question was how that sentiment would be expressed
Country Report
UK country report: Valuations: Rising to the challenge
The pandemic has brought testing times for the valuations and operation of DB schemes
Special Report
Factor investing: Keeping a distance from single factors
The fluctuations of single factor returns have bolstered multi-factor strategies
Asset Class Reports
Emerging market equities – Quant strategies closing the gap
Quant strategies in emerging markets are still behind those in the developed world but they are catching up
Special Report
Impact integrity in private equity
Robust and credible reporting standards will be essential to avoid any suspicion of impact washing
Perspective: Inspired actuaries form COVID-19 rapid response group
At the onset of Europe becoming the epicentre of the coronavirus crisis, there were individuals in one profession that were keen to act as quickly as possible in response to what they saw “could well be humanity’s burning platform for change”.
Opinion Pieces
Market disconnects have widened
Thanks to a remarkable comeback in April, equity markets have partly offset the collapse that took place as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Country Report
UK country report: Moving towards an ESG crescendo
Trustees should use the COVID-19 lockdown as a time to prepare for the next round of ESG reporting requirements in October
Opinion Pieces
Factor investing: Viewpoint: The case against factor investing
Factor products are not necessarily a panacea for equity market outpeformance
Special Report
Investors: Making money matter
How are asset owners looking to scale up impact as their portfolios and experience grow?
Perspective: EIOPA’s COVID-19 address reassures
A coronavirus crisis statement from EIOPA addressed to national supervisors drew positive words from lobby groups PensionsEurope and the European Association of Paritarian Institutions (AEIP).
Opinion Pieces
Not business as usual
Basing investment decisions on short-term events can have long-term consequences, so it is vital trustees seek guidance
Country Report
UK country report: Legislation: The waiting game
The UK’s Pension Schemes Bill has been delayed by elections in December and now by COVID-19
Special Report
Factor investing: Will corona be a watershed moment for credit factor investing?
Credit factor investing is in its early stages, but models and data are improving
Special Report
Phenix Capital: Measuring the market
A new report by Amsterdam-based Phenix Capital runs the rule over the growing marketplace for impact funds
Perspective: Four difficult questions facing pension fund investors
The fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic poses many difficult questions for investors. Pension funds will probably have to reconsider many long-standing assumptions. These are some of the most intractable.
Special Report
Impact Investing Institute: The way forward
Sarah Gordon, CEO of the Impact Investing Institute, is building awareness of SDG-related opportunities
Special Report
Upright Project: Applying tech to impact
Nordic institutions are backing an AI approach to assessing individual businesses and their impacts