Latest from IPE Magazine – Page 104
Opinion Pieces
Knowns and unknowns
“There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don’t know we don’t know.” Donald Rumsfeld, former US secretary of defence, February 2002
Country Report
Germany & Austria: Do social partners pensions have a future?
The implementation of social partner pensions between employer and trade unions has yet to take off
Special Report
Pensions tech: Fine-tuning the options for multinationals
ADA fintech software enables multinational pension schemes to weigh up a vast range of data and information
Special Report
Private and green: Non-listed sustainable debt
The market for non-listed debt with green or sustainability features is growing fast
Fixed Income & Credit: Credit at a crossroads
How will weak lending standards hurt credit investors in a global slowdown?
Briefing: Europe turns Japanese
Despite the more immediate concerns of the COVID-19 pandemic, the spectre of ‘Japanisation ’ casts a dark shadow over euro-zone investment markets. It is possible that the current crisis will supercharge the pre-existing trend for Europe to follow Japan’s economic and financial experiences.
Country Report
Germany & Austria: ESG and alternatives rise up the agenda
German pension funds are embracing ESG and alternative assets in the search for improved yield
Special Report
Dashboard tech: How AI can transform pensions
Dashboard technology like Moneyhub has the potential to prompt consolidation in UK DC pensions
Special Report
Transition bonds: Questions of transition
The market for sustainable investments is growing exponentially
Fixed Income & Credit: High-yield worries grow
Global high yield and loans still offer attractive returns but the worry is about the stage we are in the credit cycle
Briefing: A safe haven
Treasuries, the yen, and gold all traditionally serve to harbour investors in times of stress. A closer look at the current demand for Treasuries, however, paints a complex world view with implications for financial markets. Yields suggest it might remain ugly for another decade.
Country Report
Austria: Time to step up
The new coalition government faces a difficult challenge in delivering long-anticipated occupational pension reform
Special Report
Pensions tech: Digitising the world’s most global pension fund
The UN is using technology to transform bureaucratic processes in its pension scheme
Fixed Income & Credit: Potential for adventures
Emerging-market local-currency corporate debt is under-explored by global investors
Special Report
Green bond issuance: Denmark's split offering
The Danish government is keen to employ tradeable green certificates, which are designed to broaden the appeal of environmental debt, in its initial green bond issuance
Fixed Income & Credit: Loan covenant high tide?
Fitch Solutions outlines just how far covenant terms have steadily shifted in borrowers’ favour – at least until coronavirus hit
Opinion Pieces
Understanding the pandemic’s impact
When facing a serious threat it pays to remain as calm as possible. The temptation to panic is inevitably strong but it should be resisted.
Opinion Pieces
The case for a UK sovereign wealth fund
In November 2012 I suggested in an article in IPE that the UK should set up a sovereign wealth fund. The House of Commons had a parliamentary debate on setting one up in December 2016* and included the IPE article in the background papers. Unfortunately, Brexit overshadowed all else, but now that it is done, there may be a case for revisiting the arguments.
Opinion Pieces
Long Term Matters: Investing in an age of pandemics
Pandemics are master classes in managing existential uncertainty. Being overwhelmed is ‘normal’. Here are seven actions that we can take as citizens and investment professionals. The focus is on the US and the UK: their governments are floundering. The unravelling in the US is dangerous for investors. Both the UK and the US are very responsive to the financial sector.
Research: The new benchmarks
Sustainability is set to become the gold standard of investing