Latest from IPE Magazine – Page 106
Special Report
Manager Selection: A new guide to the future
Past performance is an unreliable guide to future success. Might the corporate culture of asset managers offer better foresight?
Special Report
Regulation: Asset managers - Regulators set sights on liquidity
Concerns about systemic risk and fund liquidity are driving the regulatory agenda
Equities – Innovation frenzy in race for survival
Companies must cope with today’s unprecedented pace of technological disruption and rapidly evolving consumer expectations to stay in business
Opinion Pieces
Judgement needed more than ever
There are good reasons why even the most ardent technophile should be wary of the excitement surrounding new investment-related technology. Big data, artificial intelligence, machine learning and blockchain all no doubt have promising applications in the investment world.
Country Report
Netherlands: A sector holding its collective breath
A tripartite steering group involving experts, stakeholders and government is trying to come up with a new concept for pension plans
Special Report
Manager selection: When delivering value becomes law
The debate around the value added by asset managers is taking fundamental steps forward
Equities – European banks see light ahead
The European banking sector is moving into positive territory as the tough regulatory pressure of recent years levels off
Opinion Pieces
A belated but welcome debate
The belief that the corporate culture of an asset management organisation affects its performance is gaining ground. Some investment consultants make reference to corporate culture as a factor driving manager selection. This may be marketing, but it could spark debate.
Country Report
Netherlands: Funds delay trouble
Crucial decisions loom for Dutch pension funds as low rates bite hard
Equities – The valuation conundrum
The huge gap in current equity valuations, depending on which metrics are used, presents a tricky challenge for investors
Opinion Pieces
Super asset managers: size matters
Institutional investors must question how the emergence of super asset managers have really benefited them over the years, especially since the cycle of mergers and acquisitions seems to have continued 10 years on.
Cheers and concerns over DWP climate amendments to pension bill
Climate change-related amendments to draft pension fund legislation tabled by the UK government have prompted words of welcome as well as concern from the pension industry.
Opinion Pieces
Davos Diary: Benefitting all stakeholders
January’s World Economic Forum meeting in Davos captured the spirit of the early 21st century with the overall theme of “stakeholders for a cohesive and sustainable world
Long term matters: To investors who care about the climate crisis – act before COP26
Rather belatedly, we have a new president of COP26 in the form of Alok Sharma, former UK international development secretary. But this sorry saga seems quite symbolic – we know that we need to do something big but we can’t quite get our act together.
Opinion Pieces
Letter from the US: Lower rates, deeper holes
Something unprecendented happened in the US in the first weeks of January when the Milliman 100 PFI discount rate fell 35bps to a 20-year low of 2.85% “It was a very poor month for defined benefit (DB) plans, not a good start of the year and it dug an even deeper hole in their financial situation,” points out Zorast Wadia, principal, consulting actuary at Milliman. He is also author of the Milliman 100 pension funding index (PFI), an annual study of the 100 largest DB pension plans sponsored by US public companies.
Strategically speaking: Old Mutual Alternative Investments
Africa looks set to account for over half of the world’s population growth between now and 2050, according to the UN. Thanks to a young population and a high fertility rate, Africa’s population could exceed 2bn, making it the fastest-growing continent in that respect.
Integrated reporting: Accounting goes sustainable
Combining conventional financial reporting with non-financial reporting in a single integrated framework presents challenges
Book Review
Book review: The Signs Were There - Spilling the saucerful of secrets
Tim Steer’s romp through the world of dodgy accounting practices and share price debacles is beyond shocking. He brings together his forensic examinations of publicly quoted companies’ accounts, and demonstrates clearly that “the signs were (indeed) there” in a way that induces reader incredulity.
Perspective: Striving for net zero
Günther Thallinger, a member of the board of management at Allianz and chair of the steering group of the UN-convened Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance, spoke in Davos about the role of asset owners in reducing carbon emissions