Latest from IPE Magazine – Page 107

  • Gregg McClymont
    Opinion Pieces

    Guest Viewpoint: Gregg McClymont

    March 2020 (Magazine)

    If the purpose of a pension system is to deliver a stable income in retirement, then the UK, strictly speaking, is on a path to leaving pensions behind. 

  • emerging market assets

    Emerging market outlook

    March 2020 (Magazine)

    Emerging markets have a knack for being in the headlines for the wrong reasons. They also stand out as sources of growth for investors who face low interest rates and muted economic performance in the developed world

  • US dollars

    Dollar/sterling: The road ahead for cable

    March 2020 (Magazine)

    The twisting path of the dollar/sterling relationship over 2020 will provide ongoing theatre, punctuated by moments of intensity

  • Joyce Chang

    Geopolitical risk: The new norm

    March 2020 (Magazine)

    Geopolitical risk is now  the norm and not the exception, and brings with it a rise in volatility,” says Joyce Chang, chair of global research at JP Morgan, adding: “This volatility has tended to create more noise than trend.”

  • Ole Buhl

    ESG: What drives ATP to divest?

    March 2020 (Magazine)

    Short of flying someone to Mexico City to knock on the door of the mining and transport company’s headquarters, the Danish pension fund had done all it could. Selling off its DKK13m (€1.7m) block of shares in Grupo México was not what ATP really wanted to do at the end of last year.

  • Signs of renewed vigour

    Fixed income, rates, currencies: China’s woe hits rest of world

    March 2020 (Magazine)

    While the speed and breadth of the spread of infection was unknown, it was apparent that the outbreak of the new coronavirus, named COVID-19 by the World Health Organization (WHO), would cause considerable disruption to economic activity in China.  

  • The trade war and Asia

    Ahead of the Curve: The trade war and Asia

    March 2020 (Magazine)

    The rivalry between the US and China looks set to dominate Asian affairs in the future and cannot be ignored by responsible investors. The escalation of tensions at the start of Donald Trump’s presidency led to an increase in trade barriers and impacted growth; now a temporary truce has been agreed but uncertainty remains, as do tariffs on Chinese exports to the US. The new bilateral agreement is a positive step, but investors should take a long-term view; the economic and strategic rivalry looks set to continue and some sectors are better placed than others to adapt to this landscape.

  • Benchmark Risk - March 2020

    Qontigo Riskwatch March 2020

    March 2020 (Magazine)

    * Data as of 31 January 2020

  • Emerging Markets - March 2020

    Virtu Global Tradewatch March 2020

    March 2020 (Magazine)

    January 2020 data as of 13 February 2020

  • Net sentiment equities

    IPE Quest Expectations Indicator: March 2020

    March 2020 (Magazine)

    This month: more of the same

  • Pirelli’s pension funds at a glance

    How we run our money: Pirelli DB pension funds

    March 2020 (Magazine)

    Flavio Cateni (pictured), former head of DB pensions at Pirelli, now acting as an adviser to the company, outlines a far-sighted fiduciary management strategy and a robust risk management approach

  • liam kennedy
    Opinion Pieces

    Post Brexit questions

    February 2020 (Magazine)

    By the time you read this, the UK will have left the European Union, following three years of negotiation, renegotiation and delay

  • The High Court in Dublin
    Country Report

    Ireland's pensions: All set for big changes

    February 2020 (Magazine)

    2020 will have to be a busy year if the Irish government is to meet its ambitious targets

  • UK’s pension risk transfer market
    Special Report

    Longevity & risk transfer: A booming market

    February 2020 (Magazine)

     Consultants expect high growth in UK pension risk transfers to continue after last year’s record figures

  • Sunrise
    Special Report

    Climate benchmarks: Brown to green

    February 2020 (Magazine)

    Brown to green - Index providers are making the first steps towards adoption of the new EU climate benchmarks

  • Erik Knutzen
    Special Report

    Diversification: Public versus private markets

    February 2020 (Magazine)

    The rise of private market investing is generating huge challenges for investors

  • Eric Lascelles

    Briefing: Central bank about-turn bolsters gold

    February 2020 (Magazine)

    Gold is unlike any other commodity. It has few industrial applications of any note. It is widely used in jewellery partly because of its aesthetic appeal but also in many cases as a form of investment. Central banks distance themselves from acknowledging the precious metal as a kind of universal currency yet still keep thousands of tonnes of it locked away in their vaults.

  • Daniel
    Opinion Pieces

    A perilous stability

    February 2020 (Magazine)

    A few years ago, when asset managers talked about market prospects, they often pointed to 2020 as the year when the world economy could run into difficulties

  • Jerry Moriarty
    Country Report

    IAPF view: A disappointing year

    February 2020 (Magazine)

    There has been little progress in pension reforms or IORP II implementation as the government has been distracted by Brexit

  • Simon Bentley
    Special Report

    UK inflation: Collateral damage

    February 2020 (Magazine)

    Proposed changes to the measurement of UK inflation would have a significant impact on the DB pension industry