Latest from IPE Magazine – Page 108
Special Report
Alternative risk premia: An alternative diversifier
ARP strategies have a low correlation with traditional asset classes
Are cryptocurrencies an asset class for institutional investors?
Cryptocurrencies are sweeping the world in terms of news headlines but how should institutional investors react?
Opinion Pieces
Trustees should always protect pensions
The proposal to phase out the Retail Prices Index (RPI), one of the main measures of inflation in the UK is among the pension industry’s biggest topics of debate.
Country Report
Regulation: The path to partnership reform
Reform to limited partnership legislation should make Ireland more attractive as a domicile for private market investments
Special Report
Risk-free rates: Forging ahead
UK funds have largely ditched LIBOR but the situation for credit funds is more complex
Special Report
There is still a place for multi-managers
Despite their shortcomings, there is a case to be made for multi-manager hedge funds
Where insurers are placing their money
Insurers’ investment decisions can influence economic growth and developments in capital markets
Opinion Pieces
Crossing boundaries
In 2020 many asset owners will be motivated to cross boundaries in search of stable returns. This is because despite big gains for equities and bonds during 2019, institutional investors are worried about low yields and slow growth hurting performance.
Country Report
DB funding: Funding woes continue
Volatile financial markets and legislative uncertainty continue to cause headaches
The proof of the Brexit pudding is in the eating
Brexit “got done”, to paraphrase the British prime minister, at the end of January. But the exact form it will take is still to be determined
BlackRock goes big on climate risk
BlackRock announced last month it would be placing sustainability at the centre of its investment approach, and a host of measures to go with that.
EFRAG: Reaching a compromise
It is hard not to feel some sympathy for the technical staff working on the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group’s pensions research project
Opinion Pieces
Guest Viewpoint: Ric van Weelden
Asset owners have realised that diversity is more than just an ESG matter
Perspective: André Hoffmann – Green results, not greenbacks
Roche heir and pharmaceutical tycoon André Hoffmann outlines his view of a more sustainable model of capitalism
On the Record: Absolute return strategies
IPE asked two European pension funds how they invest in absolute return strategies, with a focus on hedge funds
ESG: Standards specialists tackle sustainable finance
When it comes to language the world of ESG can feel a mess. Different terms are often applied inconsistently and often interchangeably to various approaches.
Strategically Speaking: Aspect Capital
Over the last few years, Aspect’s diversification strategy has involved generating alternative income streams from new programmes and reducing the cost base
Opinion Pieces
Letter From US: New Secure Act – a step in the right direction
New rules encourage employers to offer annuities in 401(k)-type retirement plans
How we run our money: Cometa
Maurizio Agazzi and Oreste Gallo of Cometa, one of Italy’s largest pension funds, talk to Carlo Svaluto Moreolo about the fund’s evolving strategy
Modi’s India: The red lights are flashing warnings
Under Prime Minister Narendra Modi, India is facing an existential issue that is polarising the nation