Latest from IPE Magazine – Page 111
Ahead of the Curve: Measuring the right thing
The old adage, ‘measure twice, cut once,’ only works if you measure the right thing. The prominence of GDP growth as the ultimate gauge of economic performance, for example, is increasingly a case of measuring the wrong thing. A single metric cannot hope to capture all the complex trends that develop below the surface of a modern knowledge and services-based economy.
IPE Quest Expectations Indicator: January 2020
Bond sentiment remains stable, but still negative. US net bond sentiment is edging towards zero, which is surprising as the Fed is set on neutral.
Perspective: Carlo Cottarelli
Carlo Cottarelli, the Italian economist and former IMF director, says fixing the European economy will mean taking difficult decisions
Opinion Pieces
Can we all be Canadian?
As we approach the 2020s, what have we learned about pension investing in the last 20 years?
Special Report
2020 Investment Horizons: Emerging markets face contagion
The protracted period of ultra-low interest rates in the developed world could have a nasty knock-on effect on emerging market debt
Asset Class Reports
Private Equity: Finding the right metric
It is hard to compare the performance of private equity investments
Country Report
Denmark: Fresh blood replaces the obsolete
Consolidation has reduced consumer choice within the commercial pensions sector, but it has encouraged two labour market funds to fill the void
Opinion Pieces
The fiscal shift is no solution
There is a growing consensus that there needs to be a shift from extraordinary monetary policy to fiscal activism. Although quantitative easing (QE) will continue, there is a widespread recognition that its effects are diminishing.
Special Report
US recession: Slow and steady
Undramatic growth has characterised the longest economic expansion in US history. As trade tensions rise can the momentum be sustained?
Asset Class Reports
Market Access: Barriers to entry
Smaller pension schemes have to overcome hurdles if they are to invest in private equity
Country Report
Denmark: A philanthropic fund
Lars Wallberg, chief executive of Velliv Association, describes how its unique structure brings advantages over conventional pension funds
Opinion Pieces
Factor strategies should be based on scientific consensus
Investors should take note of the debate taking place within the factor investing industry. On one side, are those who support a purist approach to the definition of factors, arguing that factor strategies should be built using factor proxies that undergo rigorous scientific tests. Scientific Beta, the organisation linked to EDHEC Business School, is a vocal supporter of this approach.
Special Report
ESG: A new dawn
How can private equity firms avoid suspicions of greenwashing as the industry embraces ESG?
Special Report
Europe: Has stability returned?
Despite the gloomy assessments there is a positive case for European capital markets
Country Report
Iceland: A dominant force
Pension funds dominate the Icelandic capital markets gobbling up opportunities
Opinion Pieces
The easy option
The Dutch social affairs’ minister Wouter Koolmees has spared millions of Dutch pensioners last month from having their pension payments cut in 2020, after the government granted pension funds a year’s grace period to restore coverage ratios.
Special Report
Geopolitics: Assets for interesting times
What assets will insulate investors from the geopolitical risks of the future?
Asset Class Reports
Liquidity Solutions: Facing the illiquidity challenge
The deepening of capital markets should benefit investors in private equity