Latest from IPE Magazine – Page 136
Special Report
Investor perspectives: Playing the long game
At an uncertain time for equity markets, European investors discuss their strategies
Asset Class Reports
High yield: Coping with a new environment
This year high-yield investors will have to weather not only the winding up of quantitative easing but additional political challenges
Double standards on trade
No wonder the discussion of trade is in such a tangle. The terminology around the subject is almost designed to cause confusion.
Country Report
Romania: Weighing the second pillar
Romania must weigh short-term budgetary constraints against long-term capital market development as it considers its second-pillar pension system
Special Report
UK: Learning from the lab rat
The UK has got many things right when it comes to auto-enrolment. What should other countries learn from the policy?
Briefing: Trade war, a primer
Protectionism is becoming more widespread despite the benefits of free trade being understood for more than two centuries
Special Report
Equity risk premium: The X factor
Although central to financial theory, the equity risk premium is hard to apply in practice
Asset Class Reports
Leveraged loans: Applying leverage
Leveraged loans have performed well recently but regulators are expressing concerns about risks
Investing is not a zero-sum game
The rampant bull market of the past decade could already be a thing of the past and institutional investors are understandably nervous about the future
Country Report
Bulgaria: Can investors rely on pensions?
Bulgarian pension savers receive paltry returns after inflation and costs
Special Report
US states move to fill pensions gap
States in the US are offering retirement savings plans to workers who are not covered by company-sponsored schemes
Briefing: MiFID II: a year on
The new rules are having a dramatic effect on the world of investment research
Special Report
Diversification: Shelter from the storms
The benefits of diversification are not as clear-cut as investors often assume
Asset Class Reports
Banking debt: The paradox of bank debt
The peculiarity of bank debt is that it can be issued by institutions with strong balance sheets
How far should auto-enrolment go?
Some are contemplating whether auto-enrolment into pension funds could be expanded to help savers in other areas of their financial lives
Country Report
Capital markets: Power to the centre
There is a trend among regional capital market participants for the increased centralisation of regulation, but it needs to be counterbalanced by increased trust
Special Report
Australia: Changing fortunes
A new landscape for Australia’s fast-growing super sector will evolve over the next five years
Special Report
The ignored risks of factor investing
Factor investing is not immune to prolonged periods of underperformance
Country Report
Second-pillar pensions in Central & Eastern Europe
Analysis of assets, membership and asset allocation
Opinion Pieces
Long Term Matters: What do Facebook’s investors care?
Mark Zuckerberg “is a bigger threat to American democracy than Donald Trump”, says David Runciman, professor of politics at Cambridge University