Latest from IPE Magazine – Page 150
ESG: Recalling integration basics
A recent white paper suggests ESG integration has lost its meaning and needs to be recaptured
Conference Diary: Crisis, what crisis?
Is there a crisis brewing in the asset management industry? Such questions are heard more at conferences and events, reflecting disquiet as the euro crisis recedes and we approach the tenth anniversary of the collapse of Lehman Brothers.
Opinion Pieces
Letter from the US: No panic as investors stay the course
Some 59% of US defined contribution (DC) plans’ assets and 47% of Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) are invested in mutual funds, with a total of $8.8trn (€7.5trn). Overall, the US mutual fund industry manages about $22trn on behalf of more than 100m investors.
Managers get behind ETFs
The asset management arms of JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs have bolstered their European exchange-traded funds (ETFs) teams with a series of senior hires, throwing a spotlight on a sector overlooked by pension fund investors.
The price of skill
It remains to be seen whether pension funds regain their appetite for higher-fee alternative strategies that have fallen out of favour in recent years
Country Report
Switzerland: Preparing for the next set of reforms
Talks on the reform of the Swiss first and second pillar have been prolonged by the 2017 rejection of the Altersvorsorge 2020 pac
Special Report
Europe Outlook: Germany faces the ultimate driving challenge
Developments in electric powered cars and autonomous vehicles pose substantial challenges to Germany’s engineering might
Asset Class Reports
Hedge Funds: Activist funds turn up the heat
Several hedge funds are among the most successful activist investors
Special Report
Top 400 Asset Managers 2018: 10 years of asset growth
This September marks 10 years since the collapse of Lehman Brothers and the high-water mark of the 2007-09 financial crisis – a decade of profound changes and steady growth for the asset management industry
Special Report
Dollar: A case for hedging tactics
Hedging is one way for investors in the dollar to reduce the risk presented by the currency’s unpredictable movements
Technological diffusion is fraught
It is easy to forget just how long it can take for an invention to become a pervasive technology. Even the most brilliant idea can take time before it is widely adopted
Country Report
Compenswiss: Futureproof
The reserve fund for Swiss social security is well-equipped to deal with growing deficits
Asset Class Reports
Time for new alpha ideas
New products are making hedge funds look like an expensive way to access alpha
Special Report
Artificial intelligence: Smart advantage
Global asset managers are committing more resources to the development of funds using artificial intelligence. How will this affect portfolio management?
Special Report
Italy: plain sailing, for now
The Italian economy is doing well in the short term but the long-term outlook is less clear
Special Report
Sterling: Two sides of the coin
Many analysts see sterling as undervalued but investors expect a premium to compensate for Brexit uncertainties
‘Quitaly’ remains an unlikely prospect
European markets have clearly shown anxiety about the joint reform programme presented by the two parties that have agreed to form a coalition government in Italy
Country Report
1e Pension Plans: Staying popular?
1e pension plans are facing reform. Will this hinder their continued popularity?
Asset Class Reports
Managed Futures: In pursuit of ‘crisis alpha’
Professional stock-picking and portfolio construction are still valid strategies
Renminbi on path to currency standard
China’s renminbi is starting to challenge the dollar as the dominant global currency