Latest from IPE Magazine – Page 152
Asset Allocation: Mirages and safe havens
Creeping tensions have appeared in the interbank market that, in the past, sowed the seeds of economic downturns and financial crises
Engagement: Strengthening the rules
A new EU directive aims to promote shareholder engagement and stewardship but numerous barriers could limit its effectiveness
Asset Allocation: Testing economic normality
Although the world economy is moving towards normalisation, after the global financial crisis, it is still testing, and sometimes breaching, so-called normal bounds
Ahead of the Curve: Valuable tools for EMs
Emerging markets have smaller safety nets, making them prone to boom and bust cycles
IPE Expectations Indicator: June 2018
This month’s IPE Expectations Indicator poll sees no change in some areas, some change in others, and a continuation of a long-term trend, which is, in itself, both a change and not a change.
Pension Income: As simple as possible but as complex as necessary
The UK government has deregulated to make room for a radical reshaping of the private pensions industry, through the so-called ‘freedom and choice’ policy
Strategically speaking: AXA IM
Half Italian, half Swedish, CEO of a French company but resident in London, Andrea Rossi embodies what he would like his tenure to be remembered for – diversity
Matters of life and death
If left to their own devices at retirement, significant numbers are likely to run out of assets years before they die
Country Report
Iceland: Preparing for a second wave
The lifting of capital controls will allow Icelandic pension funds to invest more overseas
Special Report
Tech Opportunities: Opinion divided on European tech
The iconic giant technology firms are undisputably from the US and Asia but European firms still have their attractions
Asset Class Reports
US Equities: A time to focus on value
Investing into a market with such high valuations presents a challenge
Country Report
Loi PACTE: Seeking workplace simplicity
Loi PACTE proposal aims to simplify and unify employee supplementary savings regimes
Private Credit: One ring to rule them all
The regulatory reshaping of banks’ balance sheet requirements is transforming the private capital markets
Resist the backlash against tech
Sometimes patterns are not clear until they are examined closely. In the hubbub of daily life it is easy to miss unfolding trends
Country Report
En Marche for pension reform
President Emmanuel Macron’s promised pension system reform is a work in progress
Country Report
Finland: Trade fears dominate
The newly consolidated Finnish mutual pension insurance sector sees new problems in the investment conundrum
Special Report
The private equity Pac-Man
Technology is becoming a game changer in the private equity world
Covenants: Uncharted territory
The decline of lending standards could spell future trouble for loan investors
Special Report
Metrics: Change and the challenge of measurement
Impact investors must deal with the proliferation of metrics. Measurement and reporting are difficult, but key to success