Latest from IPE Magazine – Page 156
Special Report
Innovation: How to rebuild trust in pensions
Technology and customer-service are central to rebuilding trust in pension systems
Special Report
ESG: The sustainability factor
Integration of ESG within multi-factor portfolios is the next frontier in asset management
Special Report
Is ESG inherently multi-factor?
Multi-factor ESG is probably more successful as a marketing term than it is at providing a coherent approach to mixing ESG and other factors in a portfolio-construction methodology
Special Report
ETFs: Smart beta or smart marketing?
Concerns remain about smart beta products and how investors are using them
Special Report
Active Quant: A never-ending arms race
Quant funds face a perpetual battle for innovation
Special Report
Switzerland: Unique challenges
The small size of the stock market hinders the deployment of factor investing in Switzerland
Conference Diary: Private markets at SuperReturn
Bank disintermediation since the financial crisis has proven a big opportunity for private equity firms to boost their direct lending and other private-debt activities
Book Review
Book Review: Pension lessons from abroad
Pensions as an area of public policy are uniquely steeped in peculiarities. National social-political traditions, labour market practice, and tax legislation are just a few of these
Auditing: Going, going, gone
Could a closer inspection of ‘going concern’ flag up corporate ill health sooner?
Opinion Pieces
Long Term Matters: Getting behind the stewardship bullshit on Carillion
Every so often things go so wrong that players are forced to come clean. Which is what has started to happen with Carillion. And it’s not a pretty sight
Opinion Pieces
Letter from the US: Gun stocks and passive funds
Could the massacre at a Parkland, Florida, high school be the turning point in the debate about state pension funds’ investments in gun makers?
Opinion Pieces
Guest viewpoint: Con Keating
It often takes an experienced Kremlinologist to divine the true message and meaning of European Commission missives, and the financing sustainable growth (FSG) action plan is no exception
On the record: Do you believe in factors?
Sparinstitutens Pensionskassa (SPK), KBC Pensioenfonds, Migros Pensionskasse
How we run our money: CEPB
Pierre Jameson, pictured, CIO of the Church of England Pensions Board, talks to Carlo Svaluto Moreolo about the fund’s active and global investment strategy
Country Report
Austria: Something completely different?
A new approach to reform may boost Pensionskassen, which lack broad appeal despite good returns
Strategically speaking: Redington
When they started out in 2006, Redington’s founders claimed they wanted to “do for pensions what Jamie Oliver has done for school lunches”, referring to the popular British TV chef
Fixed income, rates, currencies: Trump fails to rattle markets
Geopolitics is certainly adding to the mix for increasing volatilities across markets, with trade news being at the top of minds
Ahead of the curve: An active view on active passive
Most active managers do fail to beat their indices. However, the key word here is ‘most’
IPE Expectations Indicator: April 2018
The influx of pessimism in the prior survey has not carried over into this month