Latest from IPE Magazine – Page 168
IPE Expectations Indicator November 2017
Just when some major themes seemed to be on pause, managers’ expectations crept into rarified territory, while in others themes in place since at least 2014 have gathered momentum. Whether valuation extremes are appropriate, managers believe they will continue.
Diary of an Investor: A weak link
As an investment professional I am used to traditional risk categories like equities, interest rates, inflation and the like. Now it seems we will have to add information security risk to that list
Time to rethink liabilities
As the institutional world focuses more on a long-term approach to asset portfolios, it is high time regulators allowed a similar approach to liabilities
Opinion Pieces
Letter From Brussels: Court for international investor disputes on the horizon
International investors in the EU have for decades been suffering from woeful dispute settlement proceedings when involved in cases against public authorities
Opinion Pieces
Letter From The US: 401(k) in the crosshairs of reform
Since their launch in 1981, 401(k) plans have become the preferred employer-sponsored defined contribution retirement plan
Interview: Joachim Wuermeling, Deutsche Bundesbank
The workings of central banks remain a mystery to many despite a shift towards more transparency over the years
Focus Group: Extending credit
We asked a group of pension funds with total assets of €28.2bn about their use of credit
Opinion Pieces
Guest Viewpoint: Sarah Keohane Williamson & Matthew Leatherman
“The selection of a benchmark is secondary to many other provisions for encouraging long-term behaviour”
On the Record: How do you attract and retain investment talent?
APK Pensionskasse, APG Asset Management and Sampension Denmark share their views on hiring and keeping the best investment professionals
How we run our money: FRR
Olivier Rousseau, member of the executive board of Fonds de Réserve pour les Retraites, talks about regulation, ESG and his vision for the markets
Active investment rebounds
After a period of underperformance, active investment strategies are on the up – for now at least
Strategically speaking: Eastspring
Investment professionals are fond of talking about the power of compound interest but many fail to fully appreciate its implications for Asia
Asset Allocation: Economics remains buoyant
Global macroeconomics are generally supportive all round – with buoyant business sentiment, rising investment spending and low unemployment
Ahead of the Curve: Beware banks
The universal desire to generate economic growth through capitalism lends itself naturally to the long-term nature of pension funds
Special Report
The next generation bond market
Fixed-income markets have undergone significant structural changes since the 2008 financial crisis. These seismic shifts are forcing investors to adapt to a new market paradigm
Opinion Pieces
Long-Term Matters: Elephants in the sustainability room
Decent folk in the investment world are beginning to ask why our sector is so slow to change. Why can’t it function as a fit for purpose enabler of human prosperity?
Carbon footprints: Only so deep
Stakeholder initiatives and regulation have encouraged the take-up of carbon footprinting but the practice has limitations as a measure of risk
Hybrids: Best of both worlds
Preferred securities offer high coupons and high yields compared with most purebred bonds