Latest from IPE Magazine – Page 192
Country Report
Pensions in Nordic Region: Iceland - Opportunities abound
Icelandic funds are looking to step up their foreign exposure now that exchange controls are being lifted. But they are in no rush
Back to basics
There is a danger that the investment world could pay too much attention to geopolitics in 2017. Although politics is important, there is a risk its current high profile could obscure more fundamental factors.
Opinion Pieces
Letter from the US: State boost to pensions
Next year will start with a new initiative in the US pension fund industry – the launch of the first retirement savings plan created by a state for private-sector employees. Washington State is the pioneer with its Small Business Retirement Savings Marketplace, and it will be followed by other states.
Neuromarketing: Cerebral pension matters
What happens when you put members in an MRI scanner? The Dutch pension provider APG has done just that. Gail Moss outlines how understanding the subconscious and intuitive neural processes that affect decision-making can benefit pension providers and members
Country Report
Alternative Financing: Making a private judgement call
Can Nordic pension funds use their experience with private equity to build private debt portfolios? Carlo Svaluto Moreolo reports
Special Report
Outlook 2017: Four trends to look out for
Daniel Ben-Ami outlines key factors likely to have an impact on investment performance in the coming year
Asset Class Reports
Investing In Hedge Funds: Emerging strategies
Joseph Mariathasan explores the universe of emerging market hedge fund strategies
Global Debt: Caution in a world awash in debt
John Bilton, Michael Feser and Stephanie Flanders look at the effect that excessive leverage within the global capital markets can have on long-term economic growth
Hedge funds deserve more love
There is a disconnect between perception and reality when it comes to hedge funds which could lead to poor decisions by institutional investors.
Special Report
Outlook 2017: Paris Agreement focuses minds
The speedy ratification of the COP21 climate change deal cements the investment relevance of action against global warming, reports Susanna Rust
Asset Class Reports
Investing In Hedge Funds: Liquid movement
Niki Natarajan looks at how liquid alternative strategies could be the answer to the current low-interest-rate and high-volatility environment, even if it seems counter-intuitive
Disruptive Technologies: Rising to the blockchain challenge
Jeff Conway says financial instutitions that ignore the potential benefits of blockchain and other disruptive technologies will be left behind
Country Report
Denmark: Crossing the pensions divide
Pension providers are venturing outside their traditional markets, reflecting changing career patterns, writes Rachel Fixsen
Special Report
Outlook 2017: The rise of populism
Electorial victories by populist movements in Europe would have serious implications for institutional investors, warn Gijsbert de Lange and Cees Harm van den Berg
Country Report
Finland: The great public-private transfer
As Finland prepares to transfer responsibility for pension liabilities away from the state towards the private sector, Reeta Paakkinen looks at possible outcomes for provision and contributions
Country Report
Finland: In-house property focus at Etera
Jukka Reijonen, head of real assets at Etera, the Finnish occupational pension insurance company, talks to Reeta Paakkinen about the fund’s investment portfolio
Special Report
Outlook 2017: Political focus - Europe
Geopolitical tensions look set to be felt across Europe in 2017. Daniel Ben-Ami and Carlo Svaluto Moreolo outline some of the most important
Special Report
Outlook 2017: Growing political influence
Political risk has become more complex with the traditional divide between left and right being replaced with a conflict between globalisation and nationalism, writes Bob Swarup
Country Report
Norway: KLP stays focused after reform
Aage Schaanning, CFO at Kommunal Landspensjonskasse talks to Rachel Fixsen about the challenges it faces in the new commercial and regulatory landscape of Norwegian pension provision
Country Report
Sweden: AP7 could double after reforms
Sweden’s Premium Pensions Committee wants new pension savers’ contributions to go straight to AP7’s Såfa balanced default option as part of reform proposals, writes Rachel Fixsen