Latest from IPE Magazine – Page 198
Opinion Pieces
Guest Viewpoint: Peter Kraneveld - International Pensions Adviser
Pension funds are not about politics, but their investment portfolios include political risk
On the Record: What is the role of equities in your portfolio?
Three pension funds - Inarcassa, Publica and Santander UK Group Pension Scheme Common Fund - discuss the equities balance
Nordic Asset Allocation: Finding the answers from within
The increased use of internal investment resources by Nordic investors is a challenge for asset managers, according to Albert Løchte Jensen
How we run our money: HeidelbergCement
Marc Boone of HeidelbergCement explains why the group’s approach to running its many pensions schemes is like sailing a fleet of ships
Asset Class Reports
Equity Dividends: Default risk changes landscape
The prospect of government defaults should lead pension schemes to review their approach to liability-driven investment
Value Chain: A price worth paying
A better investment value chain would involve lower short-term profitability for providers in return for greater long-term sustainability of relationships, according to Tim Hodgson
Hedge Funds: Seeding to enhance returns
Institutional investors face challenging allocation decisions in the current low-yield environment. Mark de Klerk explores how seeding could enhance returns of a hedge fund allocation
ESG: Green bonds get G20 boost
The green bond market has had a strong run in the wake of the December 2015 Paris climate-change agreement
Asset Allocation: The big picture
Eight years since the banking system threatened collapse, financial markets are still dominated by central banks. Though macro fundamentals, and geopolitics, still have the capacity to influence flows, interest rates are largely being driven by the central banks’ actions.
Ahead of the Curve: Time to embrace robots?
Robotics and automation are no longer sci-fi, they are a fast-growing and profitable sector, say Johan Van Der Biest and Rudi Van den Eynde
Focus Group: Too much debt around
Just over half of the respondents to this month’s focus group are restructuring, or planning to restructure, their fixed-income portfolio. Of these, 10 are moving towards a more active management.
Diary of an Investor: At the high table
Recently, I was invited to join a network of financial academics as a ‘practice adviser’, which means I speak to them regularly about the challenges our pension fund faces and what we are doing in the investment portfolio.
Risk: Plane disaster lesson for investors
Stephan Lods says analysing decisions that led to a 1977 airline disaster could help investors better understand risk
Special Report
Church of England: Showing faith in private debt
Gail Moss explains why the Church of England Pensions Board is putting its faith in the US private-debt sector
IPE Expectations Indicator October 2016
The current survey period captured the end of the summer. The number of managers voicing concern about interest rate policy is high. However, the current environment has yet to reflect the alarms of many major investors and the survey results indicate most managers expect little dramatic near-term movement. Whether it is not yet the season for action, or investors expect the status quo to continue, is yet unclear.
Strategically speaking: TIAA Global Asset Management
TIAA has been on an expansion path in recent years. The organisation is now busy repositioning itself
Danish Reform: The 2025 Plan
The government of Denmark – a country ranked, according to the Melbourne Mercer Global Pensions index, as having the best pension system in the world – is planning to push funded pensions coverage into new territory.
Special Report
Ircantec: Focusing on growth
The French supplementary pension scheme Ircantec’s plan to diversify its portfolio could be hampered by newly proposed regulatory requirements on asset allocation, says Gail Moss
Sharp tools needed
Some contend that book reserve pensions took root in Germany because funded pensions, such as they were, had been wiped out in the hyperinflation of the 1920s
Special Report
IPE Top 1000: European pension assets grow by 9%
Europe’s pension funds now manage more than €6.7trn in combined assets, a year-on-year increase of 9.4%, according to IPE’s latest Top 1000 Pension Funds survey.