Latest from IPE Magazine – Page 202
Italy: The Atlante 2 impasse
A series of forthright announcements from Italy’s professional sector pension funds might have disappointed government hopes for money to prop up ailing banks but have served to reassert the sector’s commitment to fiduciary duty
Special Report
Ireland: Desire for progress, lack of action
Ireland is on the verge of radical pension reform, with the government and regulator laying the groundwork for a defined contribution future
Special Report
Italy: Early retirement tops the agenda
Italy’s government responds to calls to increase flexibility in accessing the state pension, while second-pillar schemes search for solutions of their own
Special Report
The Netherlands: On the way to a new system
The Dutch cabinet is weighing up proposals for a new sustainable pension system that retains the support of younger workers and is fair to all generations
Special Report
Norway: Simplified Solvency II rules are on the cards
Pension funds will continue to operate under Solvency I rules this year, but there are plans for Solvency II-type requirements by 2018
Special Report
Portugal: Back on the right track
After lawmakers stabilised the public pension system, Portuguese private pension funds are poised to grow their participation in the country’s economic system
Special Report
Spain: Political standstill halts reform
The Spanish pension system needs significant adjustment to ensure its sustainability, but politics has got in the way
Special Report
Sweden: AP fund project runs out of steam
Sweden’s government has abandoned its long-held ambition to reform the AP Fund system and faces an industry opposed to the introduction of Solvency II
Special Report
Switzerland: AV2020 project rumbles on
The federal government’s reform package is making its way through parliament but it must navigate a number of public referendums before it can see the light of day
Special Report
UK: Pace of reform slows down
Following the relative success of auto-enrolment, the UK has turned its attention to ensuring its pension system is fit for purpose
IPE Expectations Indicator September 2016
As time passes since the UK’s decision to leave the EU, some of the trends of the months prior have returned. This includes: outperforming US equity markets and dwindling faith in US dollar strength against the euro and yen (albeit with some volatility) and in sterling, which continues to drift lower after its post-Brexit decline. Whether managers’ expectations have recovered as quickly as these trends is the subject of this month’s review.
IPE Expectations Indicator August 2016
The expectation survey for August was completed in a post-Brexit market environment in which uncertainty was high, but cooler heads ultimately prevailed. Initial reactions caused a rebound in USD strength and an equity market sell-off, which was ultimately short-lived. Nevertheless, disrupted markets will influence expectations and results from the survey reflect managers’ concerns towards riskier assets.
Brexit: Scheduled for departure
The political and economic ramifications of Brexit are wide-ranging. The effect on Gilts, sterling and equity markets was immediate in the aftermath of the referendum.
On the Record: What is your approach to governance?
Three investors - Railways Pension Scheme, Sparinstitutens Pensionskassa and Pensioenfonds TNO - talk about their views on governance
Special Report
Pension Fund Governance: The pension pay challenge
Brendan Maton delves into the opaque – and controversial – world of pay in the pension fund sector
Special Report
Securities Services: Blockchain - A beginner’s guide
Think you understand and grasp the concept of blockchain technology? Prepare to be surprised as we explain the theory and potential uses within securities services
Special Report
Special Report Risk & Asset Allocation: Another dimension
Charlotte Moore examines how practitioners are looking to integrate risk factors in multi-asset portfolios that goes beyond traditional risk parity
Asset Class Reports
Investing In US Equities: Valuations - Clouded by uncertainties
Uncertainties over Fed interest rate rises and the outcome of the presidential election have compounded questions about the value of US equities
Political Risk: Anxiety to the fore
Investors are facing not just challenging markets but also increased political risk. Daniel Ben-Ami asks how they can tackle such uncertainty
Country Report
Pensions In Italy: Auto enrolment all’italiana
A number of Italian pension funds have implemented automatic enrolment. Is this the answer to Italy’s low coverage problem? Carlo Svaluto Moreolo investigates