Latest from IPE Magazine – Page 216
Ahead of the Curve: The deflationary impacts of web 2.0
Edward Shing examines the deflationary effects of the emerging ‘sharing economy’ on traditional companies
Focus Group: Risk-factor investing concepts
Just over half of the investors polled for this month’s Focus Group currently allocate assets to strategies that employ risk-factor investing concepts
Diary of an Investor: Muddy boots on
We pension funds at least have the luxury of not being stuck behind our screens all the time, trading or monitoring our portfolio
Special Report
Investment Options: Deciding factors
Investors looking to enter the world of factor investing are faced with an array of products from simpler beta strategies to actively managed quant funds
Special Report
Factor Alignment: Tailor with care
The wide range of uses to which factor investing can be put means investors need to ensure the approach and methodology are suitable for the intended strategy
Special Report
The French quant connection
Brendan Maton explores the pre-eminence of engineering in French elite education and the extent of its success in application in asset management
Special Report
At the core of smart beta
Charlotte Moore attempts to pin down the characteristics at the heart of factor investing
ABP open season
Would you set up an ABP now if you were creating a public sector pension regime from scratch for the Netherlands? The simplicity of a single scheme and the economies of scale in investment and administration all call for it. But other factors speak against
Country Report
Pensions In The Netherlands: Sailing into rough waters
Few things are as expressive of a country’s culture and history as its popular sayings and expressions. Take the Dutch: when we believe somebody is crazy, we say ‘he has been hit by a windmill’. When something is obvious, we can ‘sense it on our wooden shoes’.
Special Report
Insurance-Linked Securities: Taking the market by storm
Insurance-linked securities are gaining popularity as a diversifying asset class, but what are the available strategies, underlying risks and costs?
Asset Class Reports
Investing In High-Yield Bonds: Does fortune favour the brave?
Liquidity has plunged and performance has been poor with US metals and energy issuers suffering most greatly
Stop monkeying around
Twenty years ago it made sense to use Chinese new year as a peg to discuss investing in China. A decade ago it had worn thin. To do it this year was a sign of hopeless naivety.
Country Report
General Pension Fund: The march of the insurers
The new general pension fund vehicle provides an opportunity for insurers to enter the occupational pensions market and could bring the two sectors closer together. Leen Preesman reports
Special Report
Case Studies: Stability through diversity
Rachel Fixsen speaks to PGGM and AP3, two pioneer investors in the insurance-linked market
Asset Class Reports
Energy: Not quite meltdown
The US energy high-yield sector should not be written off, according to Joseph Mariathasan
High-yield bonds: Expect dispersion
Last year was a difficult one for high-yield bond investors, particularly in the US, driven by a collapse in metals and mining on top of the decline in oil prices
Country Report
Age-Related Premiums: Solidarity 2.0
PNO Media, a provider for 450 media sector companies in the Netherlands, is striking a new path to retain pension market share in a competitive environment, according to Gail Moss
Special Report
Catastrophe Risk: Earth, wind and diversification
Diversification across catastrophe risks between different territories and natural perils is essential, according to Anthony Harrington
Asset Class Reports
High-yield bonds: Beyond the benchmark
Investors will need to take into account shortcomings in high-yield benchmarks and the idiosyncratic nature of markets when selecting a strategy
From Our Perspective: Cost pressures
A few pension funds have led the charge against perceived excessive investment management fees. Hedge funds and private equity have come under pressure but long-only managers have not escaped scrutiny