Latest from IPE Magazine – Page 221
Asset Class Reports
Liquidity: Cloud with a silver lining
Lower liquidity in fixed income markets, including investment grade, gives rise to opportunities as well as risks
Country Report
Romania: Slow but steady change
Romanian second-pillar funds remain on a positive growth path thanks to small but significant regulatory changes, and despite reduced IPO activity
Challenging CEE pensions
The breadth of countries, political systems and regulatory set-ups means Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) has a complex patchwork of pension systems. And there has been little of cheer in many countries as pension funds in this diverse region face a wide range of challenges, including demographics, a poor savings culture, complex politics and, of course, an uncertain economic and financial environment.
Country Report
Baltic funds look for reforms and opportunities
Baltic countries’ pensions systems keep growing and the region’s funds are diversifying. But regulatory frameworks are lagging behind
Special Report
Pension funds: the active versus passive dilemma
The role of asset managers is in the spotlight as institutional investors question whether active asset management achieves better results than passive strategies
Country Report
Bulgaria: Choice for people upheld
Plans to restrict the ability to switch between the funded pensions system and the first pillar have been dropped
Special Report
Active management: The question of fees
Joseph Mariathasan asks what investors should be prepared to pay for active management approaches
Country Report
Russia: Consolidation trend
Russia’s second pillar in rude health despite a contribution moratorium, with an M&A wave following the central bank’s drive to improve governance and risk management
Special Report
Time to become more active?
Passive investment has been more popular than active over the past five years with investors focused on cost and value. But recent market trends could favour a return to active management
Country Report
Armenia: A compromise, for now
Armenians were given a one-off chance to withdraw money from pension funds following a constitutional challenge but the system will become mandatory in 2017
Special Report
Non-traditional Investment: Quant versus traditional
Quantitative fund management will become more important in global small-cap and global emerging markets, writes Joseph Mariathasan, as detailed analysis of thousands of stocks for traditional management strategies would require masssive resources
Special Report
Active management: Patience brings rewards
Recent research on active share that suggests a long-term approach is the best way to achieve sustainable outperformance
From Our Perspective: COP21 - what next?
The momentum and excitement in Paris last month at the COP21 UN Conference on Climate Change marks a turning point in the perception of climate change as an economic risk, reinforcing a growing mainstream consensus that institutional investors need to do two things.
European Insurance & Occupational Pensions Authority Conference: Framing the DC debate
Gathering in Frankfurt for the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority’s (EIOPA) annual conference, delegates could be forgiven for assuming the address by chairman Gabriel Bernardino would reflect on his previous successes, and avoid any controversial new proposals.
Analysis: Stendevad delivers portfolio redesign
With the raft of changes ATP has been making to its investment strategy now almost complete, it is clear the Danish pension fund has been at pains to take in the big picture – as well as the minutiae of the changed financial world it finds itself in.
Pensions Accounting: Spot the discount rate
When the US telecoms giant AT&T announced last year that it planned to discount the interest component of its defined-benefit (DB) pension liability using a spot rate, it unleashed a storm of interest among US listed companies. At a stroke, companies stand to wipe billions of dollars off their pension provision costs.
Opinion Pieces
Long-Term Matters: Followers will make the money flow
“Investment is the most often repeated word in IMF meetings, UN meetings, [the] G20 meeting, IIF meetings,” Angel Gurria, secretary general of the OECD said at the organisation’s recent long-term investing conference in Paris
Opinion Pieces
Letter from Brussels: A lawyer’s feast
It is a case of tackling one challenge after another in the Capital Markets Union (CMU). According to the European Commission, the present morass of different national insolvency rules creates a barrier to the flow of capital across the EU.
Opinion Pieces
Letter from the US: PE in the firing line
US public pension funds may play a role they would prefer to avoid in the 2016 presidential campaign as protagonists in the politically controversial private equity (PE) industry. Indeed, one of the reasons the Republican Mitt Romney lost the race to the White House was his connections to the sector.
Interview: Bernhard Wiesner - A life in pensions
Bernhard Wiesner, who has retired as head of pensions at Bosch, tells Barbara Ottawa about how he remains positive on the social partner model