Latest from IPE Magazine – Page 222
Anders Fogh Rasmussen: Free speech and self-loathing
Anders Fogh Rasmussen, former secretary general of NATO and prime minister of Denmark, gave the opening address at IPE’s 2015 Conference. Speaking in the shadow of the terrorist attacks in Paris, his topic was A World in Flames: New Geopolitical Balances
Opinion Pieces
Guest Viewpoint: Debbie Harrison & Dr David Black - Cass Business School
We predict that a revolution will take place in the UK life company sector over the next five years in terms of its involvement in private-sector pension provision
On the Record: Do you believe active management adds value?
Three leading pension funds - UK’s Environmental Agency Pension Fund, Germany’s KZVK-VKPB, and Switzerland’s Publica - share their views on active management
Cross-border Commuting: So near and yet so far
Gail Moss outlines a new project to aid pensions communication for the 100,000 daily cross-border commuters in the Limburg trinational region
EIOPA: A Dutch view on stress tests
Agnes Joseph, Niels Kortleve, Sibylle Reichert, Peter Vlaar and Siert Vos examine the relevance of EIOPA’s stress testing regime and argue the case for alternative methods of determining a fund’s resilience
How we run our money: The Kingfisher Pension Scheme
The Kingfisher Pension Scheme’s head of pensions, Dermot Courtier, and pension investment manager, Matt Fuller, talk about the fund’s path to self-sufficiency
Research: Risk focus has shifted from the past to the future
In the final article on their new study, Pascal Blanque and Amin Rajan argue that tail-risk hedges have limited value since QE has changed the nature of risk
Age spectre haunts Japan
Abenomics is faring in the battle to bring Japan’s ecomomy out of the doldrums to cope with a rapidly ageing population
Brazil’s trapped potential
Brazil’s huge market and competitive global companies hold out promise for investors but its economic recovery is being fettered by a political impasse
Make cash pay
Cash holders do not have to settle for low yields from traditional cash management vehicles. Enhanced cash vehicles offer higher yields
Strategically speaking: RBC Global Asset Management
We ask Damon Williams, co-chief executive officer of RBC Global Asset Management, what sets his company apart from other asset managers
Asset Allocation: The big picture
Global economic growth stuttered badly during 2015, as China and other emerging markets struggled to keep going
Ahead of the Curve: Repo faces paralysis
As the repo market faces an uncertain future, Andy Hill looks at the ramifications of increased regulation and liquidity demands
Focus Group: Time to get active?
Almost half of the investors polled in this month’s Focus Group, 12 out of a total of 25, state that active equity management within their investment strategy has increased over the past decade
Diary of an Investor: Greenstreaming, anyone?
Everyone seems to have an opinion about carbon these days, which probably has something to do with the COP21 climate change talks in Paris at the end of last year
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Gain access to the complete 2024 survey dataset providing detailed information on 500 global asset management firms. Whether you are looking for data on competitors, clients or prospects in the asset management sector, this data will provide comprehensive insight into opportunities, challenges and market trends.
Climate change: The two degree dilemma
The Paris climate summit has pointed the way towards a low-carbon future. But what can investors do to move beyond simply measuring their carbon footprint?
What we loosely term ‘hedge funds’
In the early years of the past decade, hedge fund managers dazzled pension funds and their advisers with promises of uncorrelated absolute returns
Opinion Pieces
Letter from Brussels: Cross-border challenge for IORP II
IORP II may have cleared the European Parliament’s committee stage but amendments tabled to the second directive covering occupational pensions since 2003 are so radical that it would be unwise to forecast its future.