Latest from IPE Magazine – Page 223
Country Report
Pensions in Switzerland: Retirement reform revisited
Switzerland’s programme for pension fund reform is back on the agenda following the strong showing by the centre right in the recent federal elections
Special Report
Outlook 2016: Time to take stock
The end of the year is the traditional time to take stock of the previous 12 months and to try to anticipate emerging developments.
Equity Earnings: Burning the furniture
Many companies with strong balance sheets are using that position to bolster weak income statements
Asset Allocation: The big picture
Risk markets have regained their poise after the China-triggered summer sell-offs, the mood aided by Chinese interest rate easing and the prospect of more European liquidity. The oil price, having fluctuated, appears to be finding an equilibrium which, given its proxy as a barometer of risk, may signal a pick-up in risk appetite.
Special Report
Multi-Asset Strategies: Adaptive approaches
Once, institutional investors were happy to set a strategic asset allocation, ahead of market timing and security selection
Asset Class Reports
Liquid Hedge Funds: Fad or the future?
Hedge funds are using onshore vehicles to replicate the returns of the offshore market. Is this making investment in hedge funds easier or simply another risky alternative?
Reject the behavioural myth
One of my hopes for 2016 is that awkward questions start to be asked about behavioural finance. Hardly an industry event went by this year without at least a passing positive reference to the approach
Opinion Pieces
Letter from the US: Central States snag
A pensions bust-up is looming on the fringes of the 2016 Presidential campaign, involving the 115,500 retirees of the Central States Pension Fund (CSPF) who face a 28% average cut of their monthly pension. But the stakes are much larger. Senator Bernie Sanders, one of the Democratic presidential contenders, is championing the rights of those retirees. His attempt to stop the cuts with a new law could affect the whole pension industry.
Alternative Credit: Portfolio role for alternative credit
Alternative credit provides a breadth of diversity that can help investors create better risk-adjusted portfolios for outperformance in a tough market, writes Nimisha Srivastava
Asset Allocation: Ahead of the Curve - Sales drive private-equity alpha
A recent study of 450 realised private-equity deals finds that sales growth is a key component for alpha generation, according to Ian Roberts
Special Report
Multi-Asset Strategies: Apples and oranges
As multi-asset strategies have evolved, it has become less easy to assess and compare them on a like-for-like basis
Country Report
Asset Allocation: Re-defining asset classes
Switzerland’s double whammy of a strong currency and negative interest rates represents a formidable challenge for the pension fund industry, says Daniel Ben-Ami
Special Report
Outlook 2016: Will liquidity dry up in 2016?
A widespread anxiety about liquidity co-exists with trillions of euros pumped into the markets by central banks
Asset Class Reports
Investing In Hedge Funds: Investor Strategy - In or out
Joseph Mariathasan looks at why investing in the hedge fund market is still contentious for many pension funds, even in the current low-interest-rate environment. Is it the fee structures or the economic uncertainity that drives this caution?
Systemic challenges
Several asset managers and investors are raising concerns about liquidity in the public markets in 2016
Country Report
Asset allocation rethink
Pension funds are having to rethink their asset allocation policies to meet funding requirements. A more holistic, multi-dimensional approach is needed
African Private Equity: The bright continent
Carolyn Campbell describes how Africa’s expanding middle class, rising GDP and government policies are fuelling opportunities for private equity
Asset Class Reports
Investing In Hedge Funds: Case Study - PP Pension
Carlo Svaluto Moreolo discovers that Sweden’s PP Pension is still supporting hedge funds, despite the fact that they are not performing particularly well. So why is PP Pension doing this?
Special Report
Fixed Income: A time to sow, a time to reap
The opportunity to add value through tactical asset allocation across the credit spectrum lends weight to multi-asset strategies
Special Report
Outlook 2016: Euro-Zone Prospects - Trading block to growth
Heavily dependent on external trade, the euro-zone’s growth prospects are particularly linked to the fortunes of China