Latest from IPE Magazine – Page 24
Special Report
Faith-based investing: how to build Shariah-compliant investment portfolios
Ethical investing can be a nuanced task, as aligning one’s investment principles with their beliefs can often be contradictory. On the one hand investors want to maximise their return and minimise their risk to ensure they benefit from the best possible investment outcome. However, on the other hand, they may want to ensure they don’t fund any enterprise which derives revenue from provision of ‘unethical’ goods or services.
Impact investment: How change theory can boost key messages
Simply aligning an investment with one of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) does not always convince individuals about the impact of an investment. Communicating about change can help.
Sustainable agriculture is a growing necessity and institutional investors play a key role
Investment manager PGIM stated in a research note in May: “From farm to fork, our global food system is vast, complex, inefficient and increasingly unfit for purpose.”
Inversion anxiety: what’s up with yield curves in 2023
For over half a century, each time the spread between US 10-year and three-month yields turned negative, indicating an inverted yield curve, a recession followed, sooner or later. In 2023, the yield curve has been more than just a little inverted.
Stan Moss, Polen Capital CEO: High conviction is the lifeblood of investing
The shift in macroeconomic conditions throughout 2022 must have been a relief for active managers from one perspective at least. For over a decade of low interest rates and low volatility they have had fewer chances to showcase their skills.
Opinion Pieces
Investors do not care about physical climate risks
One of the most pressing questions facing today’s climate research is whether climate change risks are reflected in stock prices. In a peer-reviewed study* recently accepted for publication in Journal of Banking and Finance, we found that investors only care about climate change risks when policymakers intervene, not about physical climate risks.
Opinion Pieces
Pension funds can drive the AI revolution
Time and again we are reminded that the sole focus of pension funds should be on paying pensions. However, as stewards of capital, and because of their irreplaceable social function, they can aspire to be something greater than that. One outcome of pension funds’ decisions that is well within reach is positive technological innovation, including within the field of artificial intelligence (AI).
Opinion Pieces
NBIM’s Shanghai exit: more than ‘operational’ adjustment’
When Norway’s sovereign wealth fund announced in September it was shutting down its only office in China, the move was bound to be seen as symbolic of the deteriorating relationship between China and the US and its allies. It also came at a low-point for investment in China, with foreigners having sold off a record CNY90bn (€11.5bn) of Chinese stocks in August, amid fears over China’s tensions with the West, its property crisis and weak post-COVID economic recovery.
Tech and pensions are becoming inseparable
Pension funds are busy building state-of-the-art data management systems, which are an essential tool in delivering their objectives
Iceland’s LV: Coping with disruption
Arne Vagn Olsen, CIO of Lífeyrissjóður verzlunarmanna (LV), Iceland’s Pension Fund of Commerce, talks to Carlo Svaluto Moreolo about strategy and the prospects for financial markets
UK pension industry reacts to government’s ambitious Mansion House Reform agenda
September saw the close of key pension reform consultations. Pamela Kokoszka and Liam Kennedy assess the proposals and some of the responses
London’s Lord Mayor Nicholas Lyons outlines his plan to raise £50bn from pension funds for UK growth assets
The road to hell is paved with good intentions. This aphorism can perhaps well describe the current state of the UK’s investment ecosystem. Despite Europe’s largest pension market at £2.5trn (€2.9trn), the UK economy has been starved of risk capital through a series of legislative and regulatory decisions.
Research: Pension funds stabilise EU financial markets in good times and bad
A recent study investigated the potential stabilising role of pension funds in financial markets in the European Union from 2001 to 2017
Dutch suggestions for fine-tuning pension funds’ climate stress tests
Five Dutch IORPs supplemented EIOPA’s 2022 stress test, the first to include climate scenarios, with their own more granular approach
Credit investors ready for a possible US recession
Although 2023 has been ‘interesting’ so far, it has also provided relief after the challenges and financial asset mayhem of 2022, and a wide range of asset classes have posted positive returns to date.
Fixed income, rates & currency: Lean times to follow good summer?
The macro-economic news in the third quarter has been good, with better growth than expected and better inflation data than feared. In the final few months of the year, however, markets may have to deal with the potential for some softer economic news and possibly more negative inflation data, and not just from seasonal factors.
Qontigo Riskwatch - October 2023
*Data as of 31 August 2023. Forecast risk estimate for each index measured by the respective US, World and Emerging Markets Qontigo model variants
IPE Quest Expectations Indicator - October 2023
The Russian war in the Ukraine is still stalling, with the prelude of the US elections coming closer. Trump’s self-destructive utterings keep his followers unmoved but do nothing to convince independents.
Special Report
Bonds are back and aligned with a greener future
Bonds are back in vogue and, of the current fixed income opportunities available, we believe euro-denominated investment-grade credit offers one of the most compelling risk/reward profiles.