Latest from IPE Magazine – Page 240
Special Report
Top 400: Time for compulsory stewardship
Asset owners and investment managers should be made to disclose their portfolio turnover and how they vote their proxies, according to Raj Thamotheram and Matthew Taylor
Special Report
Are risk parity funds staying true to their name?
There is a growing divide between the theory behind risk parity strategies and the investment products on offer
Special Report
Risk Parity Funds: Mixed performance despite low volatility targets
Risk parity funds have experienced mixed performance in recent years despite targeting low volatility
Special Report
Risk parity: Variations on a theme
Risk parity investing can be modified to work better in the current difficult environment
Special Report
Risk parity cost: The price of protection
How much should a risk parity strategy cost?
Special Report
Tail risk parity
Risk parity approaches can be redesigned to tackle the possibility of extreme market events
Special Report
Risk parity and commodity investing
Joseph Mariathasan assesses the role of risk parity strategies in commodities
Special Report
Risk parity strategies making inroads in DC
UK pension schemes are increasingly attracted to risk parity funds. Are trustees and members have enough information to make informed decisions?
Hard to explain
The European Central Bank’s QE programme is taking its toll on pension funds as healthy returns are unable to keep pace with liabilities
Country Report
France's Agirc-Arrco: Reform of last resort
French public finance magistrates have stressed the urgency of reforms to France’s main private sector supplementary regime, Agirc-Arrco
Special Report
The Technology Sector: Potential in the exponential
The cost of computer processing power has decreased exponentially over recent decades, a trend we are all familiar with when we compare the clunky IBM PCs of the 1980s or 90s with today’s smartphones
Country Report
Denmark: Weathering the storm
Despite the blustery short-term economic environment, Danish pension funds have set their sights firmly on the horizon
Country Report
Agirc-Arrco: Opening closed shops
Restructuring France’s supplementary pension schemes will see greater centralised management and the increased use of passive strategies
Special Report
Technology: The Third Industrial Revolution
A number of fast-moving technological trends seem to be spreading the importance of ‘tech’ beyond IT and into every corner of our lives and our economy
Country Report
Denmark: Ahead of the rest
Rachel Fixsen speaks with one of the leaders of a new research centre that aims to keep Denmark as the leading pension provider
Special Report
The Internet of Things
The technology mega trends of ‘Big Data’, robots and drones, sensors, wireless communications and machine intelligence all come together in the industrial theme that is the ‘Internet of Things’
Country Report
Asset Allocation: Autres temps, autres mœurs
France’s institutional investors, like most across Europe, are struggling to adapt to the low-interest environment
Country Report
Sweden: Rolling with the punches
Earlier this year, the Swedish central bank decided to push repo rates into negative territory. We look at how the country’s pension funds have adapted their portfolios
Country Report
Asset Allocation: A growth story revisited
Richard Bruyère presents the results of Indefi’s fourteenth annual research report analysing institutional investment trends in France
Special Report
Technology: European Venture Hubs
As London gets pushed into fourth place by Beijing as a venture capital centre, we ask what is required to create Silicon Valley-type hubs in Europe