Latest from IPE Magazine – Page 260
Focus on new models
In this first article on a new study, Pascal Blanqué and Amin Rajan outline how pension funds are adopting new asset allocation models and governance practices
Opinion Pieces
Guest viewpoint: “Macro matters. We ignore it at our peril”
Open a newspaper. Any newspaper. Read the front page and then the business pages. Absorb, assimilate, repeat. After half a dozen goes, you may notice a pattern.
Asset Class Reports
In-house strategies offer greater advantages
On The Record: Do you use external hedge funds?
How we run our money: In search of a future-proof ATP
Henrik Gade Jepsen, chief investment officer of ATP, tells Caroline Liinanki why he thinks the fund must adapt its portfolio structure
Special Report
Active Management: DIY active
Charlotte Moore looks at the smart beta phenomenon and asks, is it really ‘smart beta’, or rather ‘cheap active’?
ECB exercise to beef up ABS
The ECB hopes its plans to invest heavily in the asset-backed securitisation market will encourage other investors and ultimately help boost real economy lending, writes Anthony Harrington
The hubris premium
Jeremy Lang and Ben Fitchew explain how company managers’ inherent cognitive biases and environment can influence company risk
Dollar storm ends 10-year FX calm
A full decade of range-bound trade in the dollar has dulled pension investors’ sense of the risks of currency exposure. As Christopher O’Dea reports, all that’s about to change
ESG: Profit with purpose
In the wake of a recent G8 working group on impact investing, Jonathan Williams examines how pension investors view strategies with a social purpose
ESG: A means to capture value
Hendrik du Toit and Therese Niklasson tell Nina Röhrbein about ESG integration at Investec
Strategically speaking - Majedie Asset Management: Global, naturally
Before this year, Majedie Asset Management had rolled out just five products since it was established in 2002 – one of which was a concentrated version of another. By those standards, 2014 has seen riotous activity, with the summer launches of a US equities fund and two global funds adding to the existing line-up of UK equity and global long/short funds.
Diary of an Investor: Generation games
Now that my children are getting older they ask me more about what I do for a living and the questions are getting a bit more demanding. My eldest, especially, is at an age when questions come thick and fast.
Focus Group: Is patience a virtue?
Over three-quarters of respondents polled for this month’s Focus Group consider their fund to be a long-term investor.
Country Report
Pensions In Nordic Region: Staring contest
There is no end in sight to capital controls, despite the government’s tentative first steps towards easing the restrictions that have been in place since 2008, writes Carlo Svaluto Moreolo
Country Report
Spain: Home is best
Gail Moss assesses investment trends for Spanish pension entities, which have recorded their second successive year of high returns
Special Report
German Asset Management: The devil’s in the details
Barbara Ottawa looks at the impact of legislative and regulatory changes on the German asset management industry
Special Report
Real Assets: Material changes
Is there is a tension at the heart of this month’s special report? On the one hand, we write about markets undergoing significant change. On the other, we deal with issues arising from the pursuit of dependable, boring, long-term cash flows from real assets.
Asset Class Reports
High-yield Bonds & Loans: Revolution from above and below
Few markets outside the emerging world have changed to the extent that European high-yield has over recent years. Joseph Mariathasan and Martin Steward find transformation coming from the massive to the micro, from above and below
Country Report
Spain: A pessimistic outlook for pensions
Spanish workers can expect to receive detailed information from their employers about their retirement outlook, according to Carlo Svaluto Moreolo. Few think this will boost supplementary retirement savings at a time when the government is reducing tax incentives
Special Report
German Asset Management: Willing but mostly unable
Low yields mean German institutions continue to look at infrastructure. But the opportunities they find are mostly unattractive, says Barbara Ottawa