Latest from IPE Magazine – Page 41

  • Luigi Serenelli at IPE
    Opinion Pieces

    Germany’s equity pension plan raises questions

    January 2023 (Magazine)

    The current legislative period could bring substantial changes to Germany’s pension system. The government is pursuing reforms to fund first-pillar pensions through a buffer fund invested in equities, although there is little consensus on its feasibility.

  • Joseph Mariathasan

    Climate risks – pay now or later?

    January 2023 (Magazine)

    Climate change is an emergency that requires all hands on deck. What should be the role of investors when it is governments that have the most power to effect change?

  • Sue Lloyd

    Accounting: Long-haul climate change reporting

    January 2023 (Magazine)

    Shortly after the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) tentatively confirmed that companies using its climate-reporting standard must disclose their Scope 3 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, board chair Emmanuel Faber took to Twitter, making the bold claim that the board was “rewriting economics”. 

  • Munnell Alicia_3
    Opinion Pieces

    US: Republican House will not divert from SECURE 2.0

    January 2023 (Magazine)

    The new Republican majority in the US House of Representatives is not large enough to have a significant impact on the retirement industry. 

  • SPMS

    Dutch medical specialists: focus on healthy pensions

    January 2023 (Magazine)

    Marcel Roberts (right), CIO, and Ravien Sewtahal, investment manager of SPMS, the Dutch pension fund for medical specialists, talk to Carlo Svaluto Moreolo about risk management and sustainability 

  • Dr Apostolos Thomadakis

    European Commission announcement brings some clarity to derivatives clearing

    January 2023 (Magazine)

    Many unanswered questions linger after the departure of the United Kingdom from the European Union. However, a recent announcement by the European Commission (EC) promises to bring some much-needed clarity to the derivatives market. 

  • 1-GIST Impact

    ESG: Germany’s energy options

    January 2023 (Magazine)

    The country’s reliance on Russian gas means its change of energy sources will carry a larger environmental cost

  • Euan Munro 1

    Newton’s Euan Munro: Seeking the best of both worlds

    January 2023 (Magazine)

    Euan Munro has built a formidable reputation in asset management, developing a major multi-asset absolute return strategy at Standard Life Asset Management in the 2000s. But the fortunes of his once mighty Global Absolute Return Strategy (GARS), now managed by Abrdn, have wavered as multi-asset strategies have fallen out of favour.

  • Sophie Robinson-Tillett
    Opinion Pieces

    COP15: Biodiversity develops investment ecosystem

    January 2023 (Magazine)

    Biodiversity is fast catching up with climate change as a priority for investors and supervisors, and developments last year have set the stage for a productive 2023.

  • Paul Todd_NEST

    Pension funds on the record: inspiring confidence in inflationary times

    January 2023 (Magazine)

    Rising inflation affects portfolio as much as morale, which is why many pension schemes are making extra efforts to advise their members 

  • SPB_7732

    Pension funds at risk from cyber security threats

    January 2023 (Magazine)

    Regulators are increasingly focusing on the vulnerabilities of pension funds to the threat of cyber attack, which can bring disruption and potentially large-scale reputational fallout for schemes and sponsors

  • Defend Monica 1

    Research: Pension investing in an inflation fuelled world

    January 2023 (Magazine)

    Monica Defend and Amin Rajan highlight the big upheavals facing pension investors

  • Ambachtsheer Keith
    Opinion Pieces

    Guest viewpoint: Why and how we need to change the conversation about pension reform

    January 2023 (Magazine)

    In their new book, Power and Prediction, on the disruptive economics of artificial intelligence (AI), authors Ajay Agrawal, Joshua Gans and Avi Goldfarb write about the ‘between times’ between an important new discovery and the time it takes for that discovery to go mainstream. In 1879, Thomas Edison demonstrated the potential of the electric light bulb to change the world, yet 20 years later only 3% of US households had electricity. It would take another 20 years for that number to reach 50% of the population. For electricity the ‘between times’ were 40 years. This prompted the authors to wonder how long the ‘between times’ will be for AI. 

  • Japan government bond (JGB) 10-year yield and inflation-indexed bonds (JGBi) 10-year yield

    Fixed income, rates & currency: Inflation strengthens its grip

    January 2023 (Magazine)

    Whereas news of the hostilities in Ukraine may be losing their potential to shock and dislocate the world economic order, inflation news has maintained its powerful hold over financial markets across the world throughout 2022, with many economies recording their highest inflation levels for decades.

  • nguyen que

    Ahead of the curve: Is small cap the next mean reversion trade?

    January 2023 (Magazine)

    By now, most investors have noticed a rebound in value relative to growth in equity markets. After underperforming growth over the past decade, value stocks are experiencing strong mean reversion and outperforming significantly. 

  • Virtu Global Tradewatch - Jan23

    Virtu Global Tradewatch - January 2023

    January 2023 (Magazine)

    November 2022 data through to 6 December 2022


    Qontigo Riskwatch - January 2023

    January 2023 (Magazine)

    *Data as of 30 November 2022. Forecast risk estimate for each index measured by the respective US, World and Emerging Markets Qontigo model variants

  • Net sentiment equities

    IPE Quest Expectations Indicator - January 2023

    January 2023 (Magazine)

    Better air defence and the ground freezing over are steadily improving the outlook for Ukraine’s forces, now locked in stalemate. A series of blunders haunts US Republicans in general and Trump in particular. If Biden’s stimulus package is enacted, it will counteract Fed policy, possibly prolonging the series of interest rate increases. The EU seems to have bought too much gas. It has agreed to take border measures against some products from climate change laggard countries.

  • Compass
    Special Report

    Special Report – Prospects 2023

    December 2022 (Magazine)

    The past year will be remembered as one of the most challenging for institutional investors ever. The outlook for 2023 is brighter, if anything because valuations of major asset classes have come back to historical levels.

  • Stocks
    Asset Class Reports

    Asset class report – Equities

    December 2022 (Magazine)

    Factor investment strategies were once the ‘new black’ - scientific, quant driven approaches that could deliver the ‘smart beta’ nirvana of lower volatility returns and optimised exposure to robust return premia from small cap, value and quality stocks. Pundits always warned adopters that not all factors would perform all of the time - and indeed they didn’t. But investors are taking a fresh look at factor strategies now the extended spell of outperformance of growth stocks has passed, and value has reasserted itself.