Latest from IPE Magazine – Page 54
Portfolio analysis: to net or not to net?
Portfolio alignment tools can help build a clearer picture of overall portfolio impact but accounting for negative externalities is problematic
Country Report
UK: Auto-enrolment after a decade: broadening the scope
The UK is exploring how to bring younger, part-time, and lower paid workers into the scope of its successful auto-enrolment regime
Special Report
Data: focus on impact hurdles
An increasing number of impact funds link carried interest to impact goals. Asset owners can help by encouraging this trend
Opinion Pieces
Robust central clearing is critical for millions of Europeans
Derivatives like interest rate swaps are now a central component of risk management best practice. According to a 2018 paper by ISDA and PensionsEurope, the percentage of hedged pension liabilities in Denmark, the Netherlands and the UK ranges from 40-60% of total liabilities.
Opinion Pieces
Shareholder action to curb corporate lobbying is urgent
Corporate lobbying has always existed, but only in recent times have investors concerned with sustainability started to monitor the impact of the lobbying activities of their investee companies.
Opinion Pieces
Seesawing rates pivot European pension funding ratios
Many pension funds throughout Europe have had insufficient funding ratios for many years in part due to falling interest rates, even though pension funds’ investment choices and contribution levels also play a role.
Measuring health impacts could expand ESG metrics
All companies have an impact on the world beyond just the profits for shareholders. Acknowledging and measuring these impacts in a quantitative manner enables them to be managed for the benefit of all and contributes to the creation of a fairer and more just society. The environment, social and governance (ESG) movement has raised the importance of such sentiments.
Opinion Pieces
Australia: A new sense of unity over superannuation funds
Australia’s leading political parties appear to have called a truce over often-politicised issues in the superannuation sector in the lead-up to this May’s Federal election.
Investors grapple with sustainability in short selling strategies
The recent move by the EU to exclude derivatives from sustainable strategies has focused attention on the role of short selling in promoting lower carbon emissions
Opinion Pieces
Guest viewpoint: How can DC schemes build a more sustainable future?
The UK government’s Build Back Better growth plan paves the way for significant investment in infrastructure, which could be attractive for defined contribution schemes. How might they take advantage of opportunities to improve outcomes for savers?
Investors sceptical on Tokyo equity market reforms
In April, the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE) implemented its biggest overhaul in over 60 years in an attempt to attract foreign investors. However, many industry experts see the move as largely symbolic and believe more needs to be done to create a roster of high-quality companies with strong corporate governance practices.
Asset Class Reports
Emerging markets: Global or local?
For emerging market strategies, it is difficult to establish a clear link between performance and local presence
On the record: Impact through corporate engagement
Investors are aiming to maximise the impact of their investment strategies by engaging with investee companies
Opinion Pieces
US: The SEC’s new climate disclosure rule is a watershed
Most investors, asset managers and consultants look like they are in favour.
Asset Class Reports
Emerging markets: Investors stay positive on Chinese investments
Many Western investors are staying put in China. But Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has given them pause over what might change their stance
Opinion Pieces
Notes from the Nordics: Finland on the frontier
Fear and uncertainty are rattling markets, but financial concerns are dwarfed by the human suffering caused by the war in Ukraine. In Finland, people have particular reason to worry due to the country’s long land border with Russia.
Ilmarinen: The making of a Finnish pensions legend
Mikko Mursula (pictured), CIO of Finland’s Ilmarinen, talks to Carlo Svaluto Moreolo about equities and the organisation’s 2035 net-zero commitment
Accounting: IASB shortlist of projects hits a snag
The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry. Or so they say. March was supposed to be the month when the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) whittled down its shortlist of potential standard-setting projects for a final vote in April. But nothing ever goes to plan.
Derivatives: countdown to mandatory margin
From 1 September, a large number of pension funds and clients of asset managers will be required to start posting initial margin on their non-cleared derivatives exposures, a change that will have a big impact on how they conduct business. The problem is that many institutions may not be fully aware of the implications or what they need to do to prepare – and time is running out.
Fixed income, rates & currency: Markets grapple with inflation and slowdown
The global outlook for economic growth is deteriorating, with repeatedly revised economic forecasts pointing to ever-higher inflation and lower GDP growth. The far-reaching impacts of the Russia-Ukraine war, moving principally through energy and commodity channels, have exacerbated so many of the world’s existing pandemic-related supply-side bottlenecks, which had been gradually easing in the weeks and months before Russia invaded.