Latest from IPE Magazine – Page 72
Opinion Pieces
Viewpoint: Reform lessons from abroad
Pensions systems can be hard to compare but experiences from other countries can help illuminate the current Dutch reform process
Asset Class Reports
UK Micro Caps: Below the line of abandonment
Kestrel Partners exploits a structural inefficiency in the UK’s micro-cap market
Special Report
Austria: Reform in the out tray
The government has not followed through on promises made in its coalition agreement
Country Report
DC switch shakes up the admin market
A combination of new technology and pension reform has prompted alliances between existing players and the entrance of new players
Special Report
Belgium: Government sets universal access task
The Vivaldi coalition wants to increase second-pillar coverage and boost contributions
Asset Class Reports
Small caps: There for the taking
Incorporating the wide range of data available today into investment processes can open up a wealth of new opportunities
Interview: Lars Dijkstra, Van Lanschot Kempen
Lars Dijkstra, Van Lanschot Kempen’s new head of sustainability, explains his new role at the recently combined asset management franchise
Special Report
Denmark: ATP gets green light to adjust risk-reward balance
New legislation clears the way for ATP to take on more investment risk
Special Report
Finland: Unified pensions blueprint awaits proposals
A tripartite working group is preparing recommendations on how to merge local government and private-sector pension systems
Special Report
France: PER rises as state reform remains uncertain
President Emmanuel Macron conditions pension reform relaunch on COVID recovery
Special Report
Germany: Top-down transparency
The supervisor BaFin has clarified governance and risk-assesment rules for occupational pensions
Opinion Pieces
Policy underpins action
Politicians in a variety of different places understandably want to harness the capital of institutional investors. Dutch and UK politicians in particular have made no secret of their desire for local pension funds to invest for domestic ends.
Opinion Pieces
Opportunities beyond the traditional approach to PE
The many thousands of fast-growing small and mid-sized companies globally represent the potential giants of tomorrow, and also provide a fertile hunting ground for those seeking superior investment opportunities.
Opinion Pieces
Notes from the Netherlands: Truly Paris aligned
A milestone was reached in July when the first Dutch pension fund announced its divestment from fossil fuels. Surprisingly, the fund in question was neither civil service scheme ABP nor healthcare fund PFZW, the two largest Dutch funds, both of which have the ambition to be leaders in sustainable and responsible.
Africa’s challenge for Europe
“Europe needs to create a new ‘spice route’ through Africa to the markets of Asia”. That was what Martin Schoeller, managing director of the Schoeller Group, a diversified services company with a focus on sustainability, told me in a discussion on the need for greater European investment in Africa.
Long term matters: Commenting from the cheap seats or on the playing field?
Scientifically literate investment executives who care about the future of human civilisation and the ecosystem will be painfully aware that Jean-Claude Juncker’s comment about the euro-zone also relates to the climate crisis.
How we run our money: The People’s Pension
In a valedictory interview, Nico Aspinall, outgoing CIO of The People’s Pension, talks to Carlo Svaluto Moreolo about running one of UK’s largest occupational defined contribution pension schemes
Opinion Pieces
Letter from Australia: Too good to be true?
If Australia’s latest five-yearly Intergenerational Report (IGR) is to be taken seriously, Australian retirees can look forward to comfortable retirements 40 years hence.
Opinion Pieces
Letter from US: SEC looks towards mandatory ESG disclosure by companies
October will be an important month for investors and corporations as the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) will then propose new rules on climate change and other environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues.
Strategically speaking: Goldman Sachs Asset Management
If you are a pension fund, insurer or sovereign wealth fund and you haven’t heard from Goldman Sachs already, it probably won’t surprise you to learn that they want to talk to you – about a variety of alternative investment opportunities they want to put your way as a potential debt or equity fund investor, co-investor or all three.