Latest from IPE Magazine – Page 83
Special Report
Pandemic booster shot for social bonds
Social bond issuance rockets in reaction to the coronavirus
Special Report
Non-Financial Reporting Directive: ESG reporting upgrade
The EU has responded to calls for improved environmental-impact reporting standards
Opinion Pieces
‘Whatever it takes’ may not be enough
Italy has another new government; the 67th since 1946. An argument over the management of EU COVID-19 recovery funds led to the appointment of Mario Draghi, the former president of the European Central Bank (ECB), as prime minister. He is after all credited with saving the euro-zone by pledging to do “whatever it takes” during the 2012 debt crisis.
Opinion Pieces
‘Urgency’ necessary for adequate provision
The IORP II Directive seeks to “improve the way occupational pension funds are governed”, to “enhance information transparency” to pension savers and to “clarify the procedures for carrying out cross-border transfers and activities”, according to EIOPA.
Country Report
What’s on the fiduciary landscape
The popularity of all-inclusive fiduciary management deals is likely to continue
Special Report
UK green Gilts: UK joins the green party
A late-comer to green bond issuance, the UK plans to issue its first green Gilt this year
Special Report
UK de-risking: More fuel for the risk-transfer train
As the UK leaves the EU, insurers and pension funds are watching potential changes to solvency rules and investment restrictions
Country Report
Surge in alternative strategies among Dutch pension funds
Dutch pension funds turn to alternative assets and ESG investing in the hunt for income
Special Report
UK accounting: The Brexit slower ball
Full departure from EU rules means the UK must set up its own accounting standards
Opinion Pieces
Guest Viewpoint: Kerrie Waring, International Corporate Governance Network
This year, ICGN’s flagship Global Governance Principles will be revised as part of a three-year review. This year’s revision is set within a world facing systemic challenges: a global pandemic and climate change
On the Record: Securities lending
We asked two European pension investors how they reconcile their securities lending and short-selling activities with their responsible-investment policies
How we run our money: Pensionskasse Manor
Martin Roth (pictured), CEO of Pensionskasse Manor, talks to Carlo Svaluto Moreolo about the fund’s diversification strategy and long track record in alternatives
Opinion Pieces
Letter from Australia: Retail super funds in distress
Australia’s once-dominant retail super funds are witnessing the end of an era as they wrestle with loss of consumer confidence in their brands. Hastening change has been the rise of industry supers, which benefitted from damaging evidence provided to the Hayne Royal Commission in 2018.
Opinion Pieces
Letter from US: COVID and racial justice to the fore
The 2021 proxy season’s hot issues are human capital management related to COVID-19 and social justice. Several large US public pension funds are at the forefront of these campaigns together with non-profit shareholder advocacy organisations like the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility (ICCR) and As You Sow, a non-profit foundation that promotes corporate accountability.
Strategically Speaking: Capstone Investment Advisors
Last spring’s exceptional market volatility proved the mettle of at least one set of strategies – volatility-focused hedge funds. The CBOE Eurekahedge Tail Risk Hedge Fund index returned a bumper 51.64% in the first three months of 2020 alone against a broad hedge fund market index return of -7.96%, and was up 34.8% for the year.
FX Reserves: The ‘rainy day’ has arrived
The world is facing a short-term health and economic crisis with COVID-19. In the longer term it is threatened by an existential crisis with global warming caused by burning fossil fuels.
Perspective: Pooled investors gain a vote
A disruptive new service allows institutional investors in pooled funds to express their stewardship preferences. Will others follow suit?
China: Caught in the crossfire
The investment world is at risk of being caught in the midst of a ‘geoeconomic’ conflict between the world’s main economic blocs
Rising interest in EM debt
The weak dollar and low US interest rates are pushing governments and companies in emerging markets (EMs) to issue growing volumes of dollar-denominated debt.
Hedge funds: Coping with low interest rates
Historical analysis suggests portfolios of certain quant hedge fund strategies may offset some of the risk of rising interest rates