Get to grips with the latest regulation changes and reforms for the pension and investment industries. IPE keeps you up to date with the news headlines and reaction, while our in-depth analysis explores the repercussions
Trustees have expressed concerns over ‘criminal offence’ assertions in Pensions Act during PLSA investment conference
Eva-Lena Norgren, Niklas Johansson appointed as coordinators of the complex upcoming national pension fund fusions
Officially-commissioned report on AP funds criticises AP2 for lacking return target and calls for more resources for buffer funds’ illiquid investment teams
Risto Murto-chaired report on spurring growth in Finland gets country talking about investing in domestic businesses
Two thirds of pension providers believe the deadline for pension funds to move to a new defined-contribution arrangement will be delayed by at least one year to 2029
Rule changes also allow five percentage points extra headroom for equity, private equity and riskier debt
Plus: German Association of Actuaries (DAV) warns industry not to lose sight of pension reform; Switzerland’s custodian mandates
‘Households will have more and safer opportunities to invest in capital markets and increase their wealth,’ says Ursula von der Leyen
EFAMA, AEIP, PensionsEurope, ALFI respond to EU’s Savings and Investments Union call, highlighting need for pension reform, with focus on occupational pensions, auto-enrolment
More important to address problem of Danes saving too little for retirement, says IPD
Agnes Joseph hits back at ‘astonishing’ advice that blocks moves to give scheme members a say on conversion to new system
‘We invest virtually nothing in our own ideas,’ Stagecoach’s John Hamilton tells PLSA investment conference
BASF Pensionskasse chair calls for clarity from new government on reforms and for BaFin to speed up on allowing greater risk-taking by Pensionskassen