All articles by Leen Preesman – Page 120
Netherlands: widen levensloop, say experts
NETHERLANDS - The tax-friendly ‘levensloop’, or life course, scheme should be changed into a fiscal scheme for loss of income, says a group of six experts including professor Lans Bovenberg of pensions platform Netspar.
Dutch system OK as it is, says ABP
NETHERLANDS - The Dutch pensions system is already fairly ageing-resistant, and taxation of the state pension and raising the official retirement age aren’t necessary, says civil service pension fund ABP.
Fortis institutional sales director exits
NETHERLANDS - Robert Lobo, director of institutional sales at Fortis Netherlands, has left the company, Fortis has confirmed.
Dutch cabinet to remove collective DC barriers
NETHERLANDS - The Dutch cabinet has indicated it wants to make the introduction of collective defined contribution schemes easier by removing certain barriers.
AVV seeks to redress the balance
The pre-pension settlement, which allowed over 55s to keep their tax-friendly schemes, ruffled a lot of feathers, especially those of young workers, as Leen Preesman reports
NIBC eyes stock market listing
NETHERLANDS – NIBC, the merchant bank that was formerly owned by the two largest Dutch pension funds, is preparing a stock exchange listing.
The Hague taps Aegon for levensloop scheme
NETHERLANDS - The city council of The Hague has chosen insurer Aegon to provide a life course (levensloop) pension arrangement for all of its 8,000 employees, Aegon announced.
Forbo scheme names MN as investment manager
NETHERLANDS - The company pension fund of linoleum producer Forbo has selected MN Services as its new investment manager, MN has announced.
Dutch finance regulator to leave early
NETHERLANDS – Arthur Docters van Leeuwen, chairman of market and pensions regulator De Autoriteit Financiële Markten, may leave his post earlier than expected to pursue a political career.
Negative returns at Dutch transport, postal funds
NETHERLANDS - The Spoorwegpensioenfonds SPF has booked negative returns of -2.5% during the second quarter of 2006, the €11.1bn scheme reported.
Gist-Brocades, DSM-Chemie funds in €5bn merger
NETHERLANDS - The Gist-Brocades and DSM-Chemie pension funds are to merge, creating a fund worth more than €5bn.
Big Dutch funds increase equity trading – paper
NETHERLANDS - The largest Dutch pension funds are becoming more active as equity traders, keeping shares for increasingly shorter periods in their portfolios, a survey has shown.
Dutch labour foundation rejects portability plan
NETHERLANDS - The European Commission’s proposed directive on pensions portability must be rejected because it will have a negative impact on Dutch pensions, the Labour Foundation, or Star, says.
PGGM names head of responsible investments
NETHERLANDS - Marcel Jeucken has been appointed head of responsible investments at PGGM, the €74bn scheme announced.
Equity, real estate boost Dutch medics
NETHERLANDS – Equity and real estate were the main drivers behind above-benchmark returns at the €4.7bn scheme for Dutch medical consultants, Stichting Pensioenfonds Medisch Specialisten.
EU schemes to reclaim dividend tax
EUROPE/NETHERLANDS - Pension funds based in other EU member states will also be allowed to reclaim dividend tax, the Dutch Treasury has announced.
New rules for companies’ collective DC schemes
NETHERLANDS - Accountants and actuaries will issue new criteria for companies that have changed their pension funds into collective defined contribution schemes.
Cordares eyes new markets
NETHERLANDS – Dutch pension provider Cordares wants to increase its focus on commercial activities in new markets and others sectors as part of a strategic growth plan, it has announced.
IRIS names Hoogduin new director
NETHERLANDS - Lex Hoogduin has been appointed director of IRIS - the joint investment research institute of asset manager Robeco and Rabobank.
Dutch governors and board member registers merge
NETHERLANDS - The National Register of Governors and Supervisors (NR) and the Register for Board Members of Pension Funds (RBP) will merge this year, both organisations have announced.