All articles by Leen Preesman – Page 17
ABP to raise contribution to 22.9%
No indexation for five years, but threat of benefit cuts is receding
New pensions system is still a long way off for the Netherlands
2020 deadline looks less realistic amid delays and disagreements as to how new sytem should work
Dutch parliament enables small pension pot transfers
More than 200,000 ‘very small’ pensions can now be transferred to new providers
Minister: Social partners must agree on pension system by early 2018
“Time of sellotape and plasters has passed,” says Netherlands’ social affairs minister Wouter Koolmees
BAT scheme cuts trustee numbers to relieve sponsor
Several other pension funds have also decreased the number of board members
Netherlands roundup: Sector scheme merger with PFZW postponed
Also: Wood-processing industry scheme to outsource admin to NN unit
Dutch pension funds advocate one-stop-shop for EIOPA data
‘Data collection should be carried out through local supervisor,’ trade body says
New Dutch pensions system facing further delays
Introduction in 2020 is ‘unrealistically ambitious’, says advisory committee
Netherlands roundup: Oil scheme weighs joining PGB
Also: Pension funds increase ‘safe haven’ allocations; government delays pension age rise
APG appoints Generali's Dutch CEO as risk chief
Annette Mosman to succeed Angelien Kemna as chief finance and risk officer
Two-thirds of Dutch pensions still at risk of cuts
The Netherlands’ two largest schemes are still underfunded, according to DNB
Larger Dutch schemes return up to 1.9% in third quarter
Funding improves significantly following combination of rising interest rates and returns on investments
Dutch pharmacists' scheme to reduce accrual and raise contributions
Scheme and sector association say the move is a ‘balanced approach in respect to all groups of participants’
Dutch property investors fear tax backlash from coalition agreement
Dividend tax of 15% to be replaced by 21% corporate tax for direct investments
PGB to ditch tobacco from its investment universe
Multi-sector scheme also extends list of banned companies to include producers of controversial weapons
Country Report
Aon outsources Dutch pensions administration to IT firm RiskCo
Move follows similar decision from UK business and reflects a focus on fiduciary management
Large Dutch funds criticise proposed pensions system overhaul
Building sector scheme: “Abolishing average pensions accrual unnecessary”
Quarterly results boost funding for largest Dutch schemes
Pension funds report quarterly returns of up to 1.9% and year-to-date results of up to 3.9%
ABP takes majority stake in Dutch telecom towers operator
ABP chair says sector offers ‘strong growth potential and adds to diversification’
Dutch Cabinet seeks to rein in mandatory sector scheme growth
Measures needed to prevent new general pension funds being pushed out of business, Jetta Klijnsma says