All articles by Maarten van Wijk – Page 4
Pensions depositaries: IORP II’s new consolidation option
European pensions legislation raises the possibility of a new kind of consolidation vehicle that could also accommodate large Dutch mandatory industry-wide pension funds
Dutch retail scheme to replace TKP with Capgemini
‘The importance of technology is growing, and participants and employers have increasing expectations’
ICT firm Centric to take over ailing provider AGH
Centric to add pension fund trio to its seven existing clients
Large Dutch metal schemes keep premium, accrual unchanged in 2020
PMT and PME announce significant contribution rise for 2021
IPE Conference: Long-term horizon hailed as key to improved investment approach
‘The biggest risk is that you will not achieve any returns in the coming decades,’ says Jaap van Dam, 300 Club
CBBA rebukes Dutch IORP II implementation as Aon abandons relocation plans
Consultancy “struggles to convince Dutch schemes in a continuing changing environment”
ASR adds variable pension to its DC offer
Insurer to use three-year return average to smooth benefits drawdown plan
‘Too small’ schemes DNB, IBM to leave provider TKP
“Costs had become too high following new legislation”
Netherlands roundup: DNB to replace board members
Plus: Researchers link lengthy scheme regulations to costs level
Dutch pensions sector responds positively to cuts postponement
Supervisor DNB warns against redistribution of pensions assets across participants
Survey: Pensions affected by employers paying insufficient contributions
Dutch companies often don’t register their workers with a sector scheme
Dutch opposition: Support for pensions accord on the line in case of cuts
PvdA and GroenLinks also oppose contribution increases and accrual reduction
Netherlands roundup: ABN Amro fund expects 20% accrual drop
BPL in court over trustee appointment, Rockwool delays pension provider switch
OECD: Dutch gender pension gap unchanged since 1990
Difference attributed to women entering the labour market late relative to other countries
Many Dutch schemes lack concrete climate policy, says pressure group
VBDO finds only 50% of surveyed pension funds had formulated action goals
Major Dutch funds still on course for pension cuts despite September lift
Coverage ratios improved a bit in Septmeber, but not enough
ABP and PFZW headed for early pension cuts as funding level crashes
Collapsing interest rates caused funding to fall through the minimum level of 90%, meaning millions of Dutch savers face pension cuts from next year
Dutch shipping sector scheme to lose mandatory status
The €970m Pensioenfonds Rijn- en Binnenvaart lacks support for compulsory participation and could be restructured to allow more employers to join
Dutch schemes headed for rights cuts after dramatic funding drop
Pension funds’ coverage ratio declined by four percentage points in the first week of August