Markets – Page 183
Turkisfund to target EU investors
TURKEY - Turkisfund will start marketing its Turkey funds to European investors from its Luxembourg office later this summer.
F&C moves 130/30 into Europe
[16:30 CEST 26-07] UK - F&C, the fund manager majority-owned by Friends Provident, is to expand its newly-launched UK 130/30 strategy into European equities.
ABP and PGGM want returns in sustainable investment
[11:00 CEST 26-07] NETHERLANDS - ABP and PGGM, the largest pension funds in the Netherlands, say they expect to see real returns on investments in sustainability and social causes.
IPE Quest: Dutch fund seeks emerging markets manager
[11:45 CEST 24-07] NETHERLANDS – An unnamed Dutch pension fund, aided by consultancy firm Towers Perrin in The Netherlands, is seeking a manager for a $11m (€8m) global emerging markets (GEM) equity mandate, using IPE-Quest.
Suffolk signs three firms to handle £255m in equities
[16:15 CEST 23-07] UK – Suffolk County Council Pension Fund has awarded three mandates to manage its equity investments, following a change in allocation strategy.
Cumbria introduces global equity and alternatives focus
[16:00 CEST 20-07] UK - Cumbria County Council is making its first move into investing in alternatives with the appointment of asset manager Blackrock, as well as shift into global equities.
Agency seeks environmental corporate bonds
[15:30 CEST 20-07] UK - The Environment Agency has handed Royal London Asset Management the contract to manage a £55m (€81.5m) UK corporate bonds mandate, with SRI restrictions on the type of investments selected.
Construction major signs €425m return portfolio
[14:00 CEST 20-07] NETHERLANDS – The €850m pension fund of Dutch construction group VolkerWessels have appointed specialist Swiss asset manager EIM Group to manage a €425m absolute return portfolio, IPE has learnt.
PensionDanmark allocates equity to Europe
[14:00 CEST 19-07] DENMARK - Danish pension fund PensionDanmark has added a new fund management house to its list of external managers through the award of an active European equity mandate.
IPE-QUEST – $250m pan-European equity mandate
[16:45 CEST 18-07] SCANDINAVIA – A Scandinavian pension fund is looking for an active manager for a $250m (€181.7m) pan-European equity mandate, using IPE-Quest.
Bullish institutions focus on pro-cyclical sectors
[14:30 CEST 18-07] GLOBAL – Institutional investors globally have adopted a more pro-cyclical stance amid greater confidence in the strength of global growth and improving risk appetite, a survey has found.
FRR ventures into US small cap equities
[16:00 CEST 17-07] FRANCE – The €32bn French reserve fund (FRR) is looking for managers for two US small cap equity portfolios totalling €500m.
Union sees demand for SRI and portable alpha
[14:00 CEST 16-07] GERMANY – Union Investment, the asset manager for Germany’s co-operative bank sector, is rolling out sustainability and portable alpha funds on the back of institutional investor demand.
Wiltshire appoints three managers
[17:00 CEST 13-07] UK – The £1.1bn (€1.7bn) Wiltshire County Council Pension Fund has awarded three mandates for unconstrained equity, long-short equity and active currency.
IPE-QUEST: $50m currency alpha mandate
[17:00 CEST 13-07] UK – A UK-based institutional investor is looking for a manager for a $50m (€36.3m) active global currency alpha mandate using IPE-Quest.
Hermes chooses tracking partner
[17:00 CEST 12-07] UK – Legal & General Investment Management will provide index tracking services to Hermes Pension Management, it was announced today.
IPE-QUEST: $30m heading for SRI
[17:00 CEST 12-07] SWITZERLAND – A Swiss pension fund is seeking to appoint a manager for a $30m SRI (€21.8m) mandate, using IPE-Quest.
Rethink global equities, says Pioneer
[16:45 CEST 11-07] GLOBAL - Asset managers must rethink the way they present global equity products, according to Pioneer Investments’ global head of institutional business, Paul Price: “The age of the product push is over,” he said today.
IPE-QUEST: $125m US equity mandate
[17:16 CEST 10-07] EUROPE – A European multi-manager is using IPE-Quest to appoint a manager for a $125m (€91.7m) all cap and large cap US and Canada equity mandate.
Edinburgh local government fund seeks global equities
[13:00 CEST 10-07] UK - Lothian Pension Fund (LPF) is looking for a manager to handle a £150m (€222m) global emerging markets equity mandate.