Markets – Page 185
VSE looks further east for new indices
[16:38 CEST 19-06] AUSTRIA/CEE – The Vienna stock exchange is looking to create new indices for eastern European countries.
The Pensions Trust turns Euro focus to Axa Rosenberg
[16:56 CEST 18-06] UK - The Pensions Trust has appointed quants specialist Axa Rosenberg to manage a £345m (€510m) European equity mandate.
IPE-QUEST: €67m European equities mandate
[16:55 CEST 18-06] NORDICS – A Nordic financial institution is tendering a $90m (€67m) active European equities mandate on behalf of a pension fund.
Luxembourg FDC appoints 18 managers
[11:58 CEST 18-06] LUXEMBOURG – The Fonds de Compensation commun au regime general de pension (FDC) has appointed 18 managers for a total of €3.8bn.
Europe needs to clean up its bond act – Louanges
[16:42 CEST 14-06] EUROPE – The European Union (EU) and other debt issuers need to agree to make the European bond market easier to trade, argues fixed income manager Pimco.
Spain confirms 10% in equities proposal
[16:42 CEST 13-06] SPAIN - Spain’s pensions reserve fund is set to put around 10% of its assets into equities, according to Economics Minister Pedro Solbes, though the final conditions for its proposed asset switch will only be agreed in a few months’ time.
Spanish reserve fund set to move into equities
[16:55 CEST 12-06] SPAIN - The Spanish government has paved the way for the country’s pensions reserve fund to start investing some of its €40bn of assets in equities.
AP7 to seek new tenders as Carnegie wins equity deal
[13:17 CEST 12-06] SWEDEN - AP7, the Swedish national fund for the PPM first pillar pension system, has appointed Stockholm-based Carnegie for a second pure alpha equity overlay mandate and will soon seek additional managers in the Asian and passive sectors.
The Pensions Trust makes a £200m bond with RLAM
[15:57 CEST 11/06] UK - Royal London Asset Management (RLAM) has won a mandate to manage £212million (€312.5m) in fixed income securities for The Pensions Trust.
Greek intervention bonds JP Morgan deal
[15:56 CEST 11/06] GREECE – JP Morgan and the four pension funds involved in the disputed bond deal have reached a buy-back agreement.
IPE QUEST: Lærernes in Japan search
[15:50 CEST 11/06] DENMARK – The DKK24.5bn (€3.3bn) Danish Teachers' Pension and Life (Lærernes Pension) is looking for a Japanese equities manager using IPE-QUEST.
Greek government steps in to rescue bond deal
[16:58 CEST 08/06] GREECE/UK – JPMorgan has re-opened its offer until 5pm GMT today to repurchase the scandal-struck Greek structured bonds after the Greek government intervened to save yesterday’s rejected deal.
Greek funds reject JP Morgan bond offer
[16:56 CEST 07/06] GREECE/UK – Greek pension funds have rejected the offer by JP Morgan and hedge fund North Asset Management to repurchase a Greek government structured bond, branded dubious by ministers.
IPE-QUEST: $20m Swiss emerging markets mandate
[17:16 CEST 06/06] SWITZERLAND – A Swiss pension fund is looking for a manager for a $20m (€15m) active global emerging markets equity portfolio.
Kent appoints UK equity manager
[17:04 CEST 06/06] UK – The £2.4bn (€3.6bn) Kent County Council Superannuation Scheme has finalised the restructuring of its UK equities portfolio by naming Invesco Perpetual.
Co-operative fund on diversification streak
[16:28 CEST 05/06] UK - The new £5.5bn career average Co-operative Group Pension Scheme is adjusting its equity/bond split in favour of diversification into currency, commodities and infrastructure.
BidRoute launches to improve the buy route
[16:26 CEST 05/06] EUROPE - A new trading platform for asset managers, which has the potential to break the stranglehold of the top brokerage firms for portfolio trades, could dramatically improve the quality of trading data fund managers present to clients.
IPE-QUEST: $50m Eastern Europe mandate in Denmark
[10:50 CEST 05/06] DENMARK/GERMANY – A Danish institutional investor is looking for a manager for an active equity mandate in excess of $50m (€37.1m).
Cheshire going all active in bonds
16:56 CEST 04/06] UK – The £2.3bn (€3.4bn) Cheshire County Council pension fund is tendering a £330m active bond mandate.
Russia models new welfare fund on Norway
[10:46 CEST 04/06] RUSSIA – Up to €8bn of the soon-to -be-created Russian National Welfare Fund will be invested in the stock market, finance minister Alexei Kudrin has announced.