Markets – Page 225
Robeco names Vriezen’s replacements
NETHERLANDS – Robeco, the asset management arm of Rabobank, has named Edith Siermann and Mark van der Kroft to replace chief investment officer Marnix Vreizen, who resigned last week.
Goldman Sachs AM gains E8.9bn in AUM
GLOBAL – Assets under management at Goldman Sachs’ asset management arm rose 11 billion dollars (8.9 billion euros) in the third quarter – largely reflecting inflows into alternative investments, money markets and fixed income.
IPE-QUEST: Danish funds tender at least E140m
DENMARK – Two Danish pension funds have tendered at least 70 million euros each in global equities via IPE-Quest.
PKA awards E81m Japanese brief to SSGA
DENMARK - The 9.7 billion-euro Danish administration company for occupational pension funds Pensionskassernes Administration has awarded State Street Global Advisors a 100 million-dollar (81.7 million-euro) active Japanese equity mandate.
Swiss social fund names CL exec as controller
SWITZERLAND- The Swiss Social Security Compensation Pension Fund AHV has hired Bettina Viedma of Credit Lyonnais Securities as its new investment controller.
ABP equities chief Straatman gains fixed income
NETHERLANDS – ABP Investments, the asset management arm of Europe’s largest pension fund, has rotated the responsibilities of its board of directors – with equities chief Jan Straatman also gaining responsibility for fixed income.
Spain’s Zapatero signals confidence in PAYG
SPAIN - The Spanish prime minister, José Luis Zapatero, has announced an increase in state pension payments in a sign of his confidence in the public pay-as-you-go system.
IPE-QUEST: German fund tenders global equities
GERMANY- Swiss Consultant Kottmann Advisory is looking for a manager for an actively managed growth oriented large-cap global equity brief on behalf of a German pension fund.
Schroders loses out to Muzinch at Hoover
UK - The pension scheme of domestic appliance maker Hoover has awarded its first international cross-over corporate bond mandate worth 18 million pounds (26.5 million euros) to Muzinich – resulting in a loss for Schroders.
France: BNP, Dexia vie for top SRI slot - report
FRANCE - BNP Paribas and Dexia are vying for first place in the French socially responsible investing market, consulting firm Novethic said.
Inarcassa names Di Grazia as general manager
ITALY – Inarcassa, the 2.3 billion-euro association which provides pensions for self-employed engineers and architects, has named Alfio Di Grazia as general manager.
ING named as manager fired by SFN (Update)
(Updates with name of manager) NETHERLANDS - Stichting Flexibel Uittreden Nutsbedrijven, the 348 million-euro fund for the Dutch utility sector, has withdrawn a 175 million-euro balanced mandate from ING Investment Managment and handed it to Barclays Global Investors.
Northern boosts European transition management
EUROPE - Northern Trust Global Investments says it has former Instinet executive Simon Hutchinson as strategist for transition management in Europe.
Fidelity Investments names UK DB MD
UK - Fidelity Investments has named Martin Harris as managing director of UK Defined Benefits reporting to David Stewart, president of the European Institutional Business.
Former Varma CEO Pitkänen retires
FINLAND - Paavo Pitkänen, the former president and chief executive of Varma Mutual Pension Insurance Co., has retired from the company.
Austria’s VPK and BVP complete merger
AUSTRIA- The two billion-euro multi-employer Vereinigte Pensionskassen AG, VPK, and the 1.2 billion-euro banking and insurance sector pension fund BVP-Pensionskassen AG have merged.
AP1 may appoint more external managers
SWEDEN – Första AP-fonden, the 148.1 billion-crown (16 billion-euro) first Swedish buffer fund, says it can’t rule out the possibility of hiring more external asset managers – and that it has set up a new external management unit.
IPE-QUEST: Multi-manager tenders Japan equities
EUROPE - A European multi-manager has tendered an actively managed Japanese large-cap or all-cap equity brief through IPE-Quest.
Watson, Hewitt involved in Austrian hedge move
AUSTRIA – Consulting firms Watson Wyatt and Hewitt bacon & Woodrow are both involved in an Austrian hedge fund venture launched by Raiffeisen Capital Management.
European pension funds' role in oil hike unclear
EUROPE - Contrasting views have emerged today about the impact of European pension funds on the current rising oil price.