All articles by Meagan Rees – Page 18
Sweden’s AP7 re-tenders €4.7bn
SWEDEN - Sjunde AP-fonden, the Seventh Swedish Pension Fund or AP7, has launched a re-tendering process for three equity mandates amounting to SEK43.9bn (€4.7bn).
KPMG names investment management head
UK – KPMG partner Tom Brown has been appointed as the firm’s UK head of investment management and funds.
State Street may move processing to East Europe
EUROPE – State Street sees an opportunity to cut costs by moving some of its processing operations to Eastern Europe, says chief executive Ron Logue.
Belgian pension returns double – association
BELGIUM – Average returns for Belgian pension funds over 2005 have almost doubled the sector performance figures for 2004 – largely due to good equity returns, according to a survey by the Belgian Association of Pension Institutions.
Finnish state fund grows by 14.9% to €8.2bn
FINLAND – The Finnish State Pension Fund (VER) achieved a 14.9% investment return over 2005 and boosted its assets by €1.3bn to €8.2bn, according to the scheme’s preliminary results.
Mercer mulls Europe launch for frozen DB service
EUROPE – Mercer Human Resource Consulting is seriously considering bringing its new service for US frozen defined benefit pension plans to Europe.
UK’s FSA warns on pension consultant conflicts
UK – The UK’s Financial Services Authority today warned consultants, asset managers and pension fund trustees to guard against potential conflicts of interest in a highly concentrated consultant industry.
Cerulli international chief Phillips moves on
GLOBAL – Benjamin Phillips, international managing director of research and consulting firm Cerulli Associates, has left to join Putnam Lovell NBF Securities’ financial institutions group.
UK equity allocation at new low - CAPS
UK – UK schemes’ equity allocation has hit a new year-end low of 48.7%, according to the latest results of the CAPS Pooled Pension Fund Update released by Mellon Analytical Solutions.
ATP axes F&C from emerging markets brief
DENMARK – F&C Asset Management has been axed from managing a DKK1.3bn (€174m) emerging market equity mandate by Danish pension fund giant ATP.
Changing managers can destroy value - Watson
GLOBAL – The hiring and firing of investment managers by institutional investors in the UK and US can be a value-destroying activity, according to a report by global consultant Watson Wyatt.
GAM says it’s targeting institutional market
UK – GAM, the $54bn (€44bn) hedge fund arm that’s now part of Julius Baer, is renewing its focus on the global institutional market and bringing investment consultants onboard to help build on its institutional business.
Suomi offloads Pohjola shares
FINLAND - Suomi Mutual Life and Ilmarinen Mutual Pension Insurance have completed the sale of their stake in the Pohjola Group to OKO Bank.
Bank of NY tops State Street, JP Morgan
UK – State Street and JP Morgan are the losers in the battle for a £12bn (€17.5bn) custody mandate awarded to the Bank of New York by Capita Financial Group following a consolidation of contracts.
HSBC wins €30.6bn L&G mandate
UK – HSBC Securities Services has been awarded a £21bn (€30.6bn) custody mandate by Legal & General to manage its Eurobond portfolio.
AXA IM Paris chief joins Robeco
FRANCE – AXA Investment Managers Paris chief executive, Jean-Louis Laurens, has been appointed head of Robeco France from 1 February 2006.
Deutsche dropped from EAI top researcher list
GLOBAL – Deutsche Bank failed to make the cut in the latest Enhanced Analytics Initiative (EAI) list of top research providers on extra-financial issues (EFI) and intangibles between May 2005 and December 2005.
Ex NAPF chief named to BESTrustees board
UK – Peter Thompson, former Mercer HRC worldwide partner and ex-National Association of Pension Funds (NAPF) chairman, has been appointed to the board of BESTrustees as director.
Hermes wins £1bn commodities mandate from BT
UK – Hermes Pensions Management today announced a £1bn (€1.5bn) commodities investment on behalf of its owner and cornerstone client, the £34bn BT Pension Scheme (BTPS).
Fire-fighters, civil servants plan strike against pension cuts
UK – Thousands of fire-fighters and more than a million local government workers across the UK could participate in a strike action next month due to controversial pension reforms.