NETHERLANDS - Montae, the Dutch pensions consulting and law firm, is rolling out a new investment consulting offering.

Gerard Bergsma, who previously was an investment director with ING Investment Management, told IPE following his appointment on April 1, the company will now also begin offering advice on asset management to pension funds.

Montae's target group for this new offering are small pension funds of around €50m in assets or above, who according to Bergsma often have a problem with the lack of expertise.

According to Bergsma asset management should be a means to an end, and not as such a stand-alone activity which can be looked at from an asset-only perspective.

He commented: "We do not so much want look at the question of finding asset managers, since there are other companies who are very good at that, but much more at what the fund's goal is."

There is a need among pension fund managers to understand the processes around pension fund management, Bergsma told IPE.

"If you have had a pension fund as a client for 15 years, then the pension fund managers do not dare to ask you anymore what for instance ‘duration' means, because they should have asked this 15 years ago," he said, adding tMontae wants to help funds beat their inhibitions and ask questions, without competing with other parties.

The company already offers advice on governance and the training of trustees, following the recruitment of Sander Baars last year.

If you have any comments you would like to add to this or any other story, contact Carolyn Bandel on +44 (0)20 7261 4622 or email
