IRELAND – Irish employee benefits and investments firm, Coyle Hamilton, has published the results of its group pension managed funds survey for the second quarter of 2001 with Montgomery Oppenheimer taking top slot on a five-year basis - returning an annualised 20.6%.

The second and third performance slots went to New Ireland (17.4%) and Hibernian (16.5%).

The average annualised return over the same period was 15.7%, while inflation for the period was 3.2% per annum compound.

The firm, which also records five-year results on a risk adjusted basis, says New Ireland were the top performers bearing risk in mind with an adjusted return of 0.419.

The survey also shows the average managed fund holding just under IR£231m in assets, split out at 20.1% in Irish equities, 51.9% in foreign equities, 6% in domestic fixed-interest, 13.2% in foreign fixed-interest, 4.8% in Irish property and 4.7% in cash/index linked.

The survey is available on the net at