More comment – Page 19

  • Carlos Joly at Cambridge University
    Opinion Pieces

    Viewpoint: The Norwegian Government Pension Fund is plain wrong!


    The UN PRI is right to get real and dismiss those who sign up under false pretences – good riddance to hypocrisy

  • Liam Kennnedy
    Opinion Pieces

    Resilience: how investors can secure it

    December 2020 (Magazine)

    Back in March 2020 as the extent of the coronavirus in western Europe was becoming clear, Risto Murto, president and CEO of the €49bn Finnish pension insurer Varma, called for the creation of “healthcare buffers” to mitigate the effects of future pandemics.

  • Daniel
    Opinion Pieces

    Jobs crisis threatens pension provision

    December 2020 (Magazine)

    Hopefully one of the few benefits of the COVID-19 crisis will be to show that the impact of an ageing population is exaggerated. There are other key elements informing the ability of a society to provide decent pensions by whatever means.

  • Carlo Svaluto Moreolo
    Opinion Pieces

    Deleveraging is no free lunch

    December 2020 (Magazine)

    After temporarily shutting down the global economy, governments are pursuing a massive fiscal expansion in order to support struggling businesses and consumers.

  • Venilia
    Opinion Pieces

    Improvement required

    December 2020 (Magazine)

    Climate change will continue to be one of the most economically impactful events as it affects us all. It requires immediate and ambitious action to prevent the worst effects on people and biodiversity and it signals a message that nations need to build a more resilient and sustainable global financial system.

  • Substantial tail of underperforming accumulation choice options
    Opinion Pieces

    Letter from Australia: Reforms not super for default funds

    December 2020 (Magazine)

    A string of government reforms due to come into effect from July 2021 has caught the superannuation sector off-guard.  

  • Jon Pliner
    Opinion Pieces

    Letter from US: COVID-19 places new demands on university endowments

    December 2020 (Magazine)

    COVID-19 has hit a special category of institutional investors in the US hard – college and university endowments. In fact, higher education institutions are facing a decline in revenues because of fewer students enrolling and paying tuition, as well as current students asking for more financial aid. Colleges and universities are withdrawing substantial amounts from their endowments to cover these extra expenses. How is this affecting endowments’ investment strategies? 

  • Sir Ronald Cohen
    Opinion Pieces

    Guest viewpoint: Sir Ronald Cohen

    December 2020 (Magazine)

    We are on the threshold of another major shift in institutional portfolios. Impact transparency is changing the rules for both investors and businesses.

  • Yale Campus - Success bteeds success

    US endowments: Success breeds success

    December 2020 (Magazine)

    Perhaps no single group of institutional investors elicits as much fascination and admiration as US university endowments – in particular those of the Ivy League, and among that elite group the Yale and Harvard endowments in particular. 

  • Tatjana Puhan at TOBAM
    Opinion Pieces

    There is such thing as a (fossil) free lunch


    A major historical fear has been that very strict exclusion or integration policies can lead to significant changes in the risk-return profile of portfolios

  • Nikesh Patel and Arif Saad at Kempen
    Opinion Pieces

    Viewpoint: The tipping point for UK pension schemes


    Schemes need to consider how to get to a secure level of funding, but also, the assets they will need to hold when they reach peak cashflows in order to remain fully funded

  • Francesco Briganti at CBBA-Europe
    Opinion Pieces

    Viewpoint: Why Europe needs a real pan-European occupational vehicle


    The revision to the Directive, known as IORP II, did not really facilitate cross-border activities. On the contrary, it seems that some EU member states have taken the implementation of the Directive as an opportunity to further complicate cross-border activities.

  • Mayer Brown trio
    Opinion Pieces

    Viewpoint: Mastering human rights risks – Why asset managers should act now


    Sustainable investing has been a hot topic among investors for some time, with a particular focus on environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, ESG stocks and assets have outperformed the market. While the ’S’ has often been overlooked, recent trends are fuelling attention on the cornerstone ...

  • Liam Kennnedy
    Opinion Pieces

    The looming trust deficit

    November 2020 (Magazine)

    Once again, European pension systems – notably those of the Netherlands and Denmark – have scored most highly in this year’s Mercer CFA Pension Index. These successes are no accident, and among the key ingredients is years of pragmatic and consensual policy making. 

  • Daniel Ben-Ami
    Opinion Pieces

    COVID is not everything

    November 2020 (Magazine)

    For understandable reasons it has become commonplace to talk about the immense damage done by COVID-19. This probably makes sense as a kind of shorthand. However, careful reflection on the painful experience of recent months should show it is a one-sided way of understanding the pandemic’s devastating impact.

  • Carlo Svaluto Moreolo
    Opinion Pieces

    Talking to strangers

    November 2020 (Magazine)

    In his recent book, Malcolm Gladwell discusses how people’s natural lack of ability to detect lies can lead to unpleasant consequences. 

  • venilia amorim
    Opinion Pieces

    Can superfunds be the silver bullet for DB woes?

    November 2020 (Magazine)

    Consolidation as a means of achieving better outcomes for pension schemes is a growing trend. This was highlighted in the UK’s Department for Work and Pensions’ (DWP) 2018 White Paper on protecting defined benefit (DB) pension schemes.

  • Sam Sicilia
    Opinion Pieces

    Letter from Australia: Funding the future world

    November 2020 (Magazine)

    A handful of Australian superannuation funds are committing their members’ savings to the future world in terms of energy, water, technology and ideas. There will be successes and failures as ideas are developed and marketed.

  • Gold investment returns to favour
    Opinion Pieces

    Letter from US: Gold investment returns to favour

    November 2020 (Magazine)

    “Negative real interest rates and unconventional monetary policies have been the catalyst of the new-found interest in gold,” says Jim McKee, a gold expert at Callan’s alternatives consulting group. 

  • Alex Edmans 2
    Opinion Pieces

    Leading viewpoint: How great companies deliver purpose and profit

    November 2020 (Magazine)

    Shareholder value creation is good for companies, investors and the wider world