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  • Opinion Pieces

    Factor investing: Viewpoint: The case against factor investing

    May 2020 (Magazine)

    Factor products are not necessarily a panacea for equity market outpeformance

  • Venilia
    Opinion Pieces

    Not business as usual

    May 2020 (Magazine)

    Basing investment decisions on short-term events can have long-term consequences, so it is vital trustees seek guidance

  • Raj Thamotheram

    Long Term Matters: Learning from COVID-19

    May 2020 (Magazine)

    As the tide of the Second World War was turning in favour of the Allies, there was a ferment of discussion – initially bottom up – about how to build a better world when the war was over. While loved ones were fighting overseas and people at home were struggling with rationing and movement restrictions, some made the time to think about the future. The Bretton Woods Agreement, establishing fixed exchange rates, happened ten months before the war ended in Europe.

  • Andrew Downes at Stamford Associates
    Opinion Pieces

    Viewpoint: Rebalancing – the rational route to sustaining strategic objectives


    Following severe equity and bond market dislocations, long-term investors should be taking stock of their portfolio allocations.

  • Philip Maymin hi-res
    Opinion Pieces

    ​Viewpoint: Coronabias and the fat tail


    Behavioural science has done a marvellous job of pointing out the mistakes most human beings make in estimating probability

  • March Rochelle at S&P crop
    Opinion Pieces

    Viewpoint: The positive impact scorecard


    The private sector is discovering positive ways to support the response to COVID-19

  • Josh Kendall at Insight Investment
    Opinion Pieces

    Viewpoint: Responsible investing climbs trustee boards’ agendas


    The amount of legislation at hand and the pace at which different directives and guidelines are coming out could be seen as daunting for some

  • Judith Fish at Dalriada
    Opinion Pieces

    Viewpoint: Coronavirus – what should trustees be thinking about?


    Trustees have a duty to pay benefits to members, but the current financial environment is keeping them on their toes.

  • Liam Kennnedy
    Opinion Pieces

    Knowns and unknowns

    April 2020 (Magazine)

    “There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don’t know we don’t know.” Donald Rumsfeld, former US secretary of defence, February 2002

  • Daniel Ben-Ami
    Opinion Pieces

    Understanding the pandemic’s impact

    April 2020 (Magazine)

    When facing a serious threat it pays to remain as calm as possible. The temptation to panic is inevitably strong but it should be resisted.

  • Carlo Svaluto Moreolo
    Opinion Pieces

    Letter from a country in crisis

    April 2020 (Magazine)

    Empty streets and squares are not a usual sight in Italy, a country whose people love to socialise. The deadly COVID-19 pandemic has even taught Italians to make orderly queues outside supermarkets. The reality is that while Italians are not good at prevention, they are outstanding at reacting to emergency situations, thanks to their experience dealing with earthquakes and other natural disasters.

  • venilia ipe dec 2019
    Opinion Pieces

    Be prepared for the future

    April 2020 (Magazine)

    As 2019 came to an end, there were a number of risks that investors around the world would have to watch out for – Brexit negotiations, the US election, the trade war between China and the US – but nobody could have guessed that the COVID-19 pandemic was to come.

  • Jim Caron at Morgan Stanley IM
    Opinion Pieces

    Viewpoint: Bond Yields Will Rise, But When?


    U.S. bond yields have been declining for four decades; why would the next decade be any different? - Jim Caron, Morgan Stanley Investment Management, explains

  • liam kennedy
    Opinion Pieces

    Coronavirus: Letter from Liam Kennedy, editorial director, IPE


    Very few of our readers will not be affected in some way by the spread of coronavirus and COVID-19. For IPE and most of its editorial team based in the centre of London, the virus has curtailed travel and meetings. We have also taken the decision to postpone events, including ...

  • liam kennedy
    Opinion Pieces

    Delivering sustainable long-term value


    Some private equity investors claim the increased focus in private ownership imposes a new long-term perspective

  • liam ipe dec 2019
    Opinion Pieces

    Easier to abolish than to reform

    March 2020 (Magazine)

    The collective pension plan in its various iterations is probably one of the most significant, and undersung, financial and policy innovations of the 20th century. Workplace pensions represent one of the most important, if not the most important financial assets for millions of people. 

  • daniel ben ami
    Opinion Pieces

    Judgement needed more than ever

    March 2020 (Magazine)

    There are good reasons why even the most ardent technophile should be wary of the excitement surrounding new investment-related technology. Big data, artificial intelligence, machine learning and blockchain all no doubt have promising applications in the investment world.

  • A belated but welcome debate
    Opinion Pieces

    A belated but welcome debate

    March 2020 (Magazine)

    The belief that the corporate culture of an asset management organisation affects its performance is gaining ground. Some investment consultants make reference to corporate culture as a factor driving manager selection. This may be marketing, but it could spark debate. 

  • Venilia
    Opinion Pieces

    Super asset managers: size matters

    March 2020 (Magazine)

    Institutional investors must question how the emergence of super asset managers have really benefited them over the years, especially since the cycle of mergers and acquisitions seems to have continued 10 years on.

  • Gregg McClymont
    Opinion Pieces

    Guest Viewpoint: Gregg McClymont

    March 2020 (Magazine)

    If the purpose of a pension system is to deliver a stable income in retirement, then the UK, strictly speaking, is on a path to leaving pensions behind.