More comment – Page 33

  • Opinion Pieces

    Letter from Brussels: Resaver’s first stage kicks off

    March 2017 (Magazine)

    The European Commission’s project to set up a pension scheme for research and development professionals whose careers take them across EU borders has finally reached its first stages of operation.

  • Opinion Pieces

    Letter from the US: Boomer balancing act

    March 2017 (Magazine)

    In the US, the oldest baby boomers recently turned 70. That is also a turning point for the US pensions industry. In fact, Americans at that age have to start withdrawing from tax-deferred savings plans, or face a penalty

  • Opinion Pieces

    Guest Viewpoint: Rory Murphy - Merchant Navy Officers Pension Fund

    March 2017 (Magazine)

    Pensions are by their nature long-term and this can often lead to an acceptance of inertia because “this is how we have always done it”. But in today’s world this is no longer good enough

  • Opinion Pieces

    Letter from Brussels: Unclear on clearance

    February 2017 (Magazine)

    The prolongation for 18 months of pension funds’ exemption from posting collateral when trading over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives is leading PensionsEurope to seek clarification. 

  • Features

    Costs really matter

    February 2017 (Magazine)

    Lay representation on pension fund trustee boards is one of the hallmarks of occupational pensions in Europe and other parts of the world

  • letter from the us
    Opinion Pieces

    Letter from the US: Irresistible incentives?

    February 2017 (Magazine)

    Global pension funds are looking with interest at the $1trn (€960bn) Trump Private Sector Financing Plan for infrastructure construction. It could offer an opportunity for investors seeking stable, cash-generating investments.

  • Features

    Make a bigger pie: Trump's protectionist rhetoric

    February 2017 (Magazine)

    President Trump’s aggressive protectionist rhetoric has raised concerns. Many fear that the measures he is advocating could lead to an all-out trade war

  • Features

    Active should mean engaged

    February 2017 (Magazine)

    The turn of the year is a time for the asset management industry to discuss its views on how markets will fare in the year ahead. Unfortunately, too often these views are of little value to investors.

  • Opinion Pieces

    Guest Viewpoint: Rudyard Ekindi

    February 2017 (Magazine)

    ”Asset managers are from Mars, asset owners are from Venus”

  • Features

    Costs really matter

    January 2017 (Magazine)

    A slow but steady evolution in best practice on cost disclosure and reporting is changing the way pension funds think about the asset management industry as well as the way they structure their internal resources. 

  • Features

    Fiscal policy? Let the zombies die

    January 2017 (Magazine)

    The international shift from an emphasis on monetary policy to a focus on fiscal policy is a dangerous diversion. Pumping money into the economy cannot resolve the underlying weaknesses that have long plagued western economies

  • Features

    Italy's referendum: Always do your homework

    January 2017 (Magazine)

    The international reaction to the result of the recent Italian referendum on constitutional reform was curious. Voters rejected the reform wholeheartedly, and commentators around the world hailed the result as another victory for populism

  • Opinion Pieces

    Letter from Brussels: EU focus on tax tricks

    January 2017 (Magazine)

    There is increasing attention in Brussels on company reporting, taxation and offshore financial centres. The G20 and some OECD countries have demanded country-by-country reporting rules for multinational companies with a turnover over €750m

  • Opinion Pieces

    Guest Viewpoint: Cllr Kieran Quinn

    January 2017 (Magazine)

    “The UK local government pension investment regulations are a step in the right direction”

  • Opinion Pieces

    Letter from the US: Investors adjust to Trump

    January 2017 (Magazine)

    Are financial markets too optimistic about the impact of Donald Trump’s administration? That is a big unanswered question in the aftermath of his surprise victory in the presidential election

  • News

    IPE Views: Beware the stimulus hype


    Spending on infrastructure and housing may not provide the UK’s sought-after productivity boost

  • Features

    President Trump

    December 2016 (Magazine)

    The election of Donald Trump as US president represents a sea-change in politics and for a second time in less than six months, following the UK’s Brexit vote, investors are left unscrambling the implications for markets over various time horizons.

  • Features

    Back to basics

    December 2016 (Magazine)

    There is a danger that the investment world could pay too much attention to geopolitics in 2017. Although politics is important, there is a risk its current high profile could obscure more fundamental factors.

  • Opinion Pieces

    Letter from the US: State boost to pensions

    December 2016 (Magazine)

    Next year will start with a new initiative in the US pension fund industry – the launch of the first retirement savings plan created by a state for private-sector employees. Washington State is the pioneer with its Small Business Retirement Savings Marketplace, and it will be followed by other states.

  • Features

    Hedge funds deserve more love

    December 2016 (Magazine)

    There is a disconnect between perception and reality when it comes to hedge funds which could lead to poor decisions by institutional investors.