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  • Opinion Pieces

    Letter from the US: PE in the firing line

    January 2016 (Magazine)

    US public pension funds may play a role they would prefer to avoid in the 2016 presidential campaign as protagonists in the politically controversial private equity (PE) industry. Indeed, one of the reasons the Republican Mitt Romney lost the race to the White House was his connections to the sector.

  • Features

    Anders Fogh Rasmussen: Free speech and self-loathing

    January 2016 (Magazine)

    Anders Fogh Rasmussen, former secretary general of NATO and prime minister of Denmark, gave the opening address at IPE’s 2015 Conference. Speaking in the shadow of the terrorist attacks in Paris, his topic was A World in Flames: New Geopolitical Balances

  • Opinion Pieces

    Guest Viewpoint: Debbie Harrison & Dr David Black - Cass Business School

    January 2016 (Magazine)

    We predict that a revolution will take place in the UK life company sector over the next five years in terms of its involvement in private-sector pension provision

  • Features

    What we loosely term ‘hedge funds’

    December 2015 (Magazine)

    In the early years of the past decade, hedge fund managers dazzled pension funds and  their advisers with promises of uncorrelated absolute returns

  • Opinion Pieces

    Letter from Brussels: Cross-border challenge for IORP II

    December 2015 (Magazine)

    IORP II may have cleared the European Parliament’s committee stage but amendments tabled to the second directive covering occupational pensions since 2003 are so radical that it would be unwise to forecast its future.

  • Opinion Pieces

    Letter from the US: Central States snag

    December 2015 (Magazine)

    A pensions bust-up is looming on the fringes of the 2016 Presidential campaign, involving the 115,500 retirees of the Central States Pension Fund (CSPF) who face a 28% average cut of their monthly pension. But the stakes are much larger. Senator Bernie Sanders, one of the Democratic presidential contenders, is championing the rights of those retirees. His attempt to stop the cuts with a new law could affect the whole pension industry.

  • Features

    Systemic challenges

    December 2015 (Magazine)

    Several asset managers and investors are raising concerns about liquidity in the public markets in 2016

  • Opinion Pieces

    Guest Viewpoint: Peter de Proft & Alexander Schindler - EFAMA

    December 2015 (Magazine)

    The Action Plan for a Capital Markets Union, recently published by the European Commission, is both ambitious and sensible

  • Features

    Pensions and shareholders

    November 2015 (Magazine)

    It is remarkable but perhaps unsurprising how little attention institutional investors pay to the governance of the pension funds of investee companies.

  • Features

    Resist the bubble temptation

    November 2015 (Magazine)

    It is a safe bet that another financial crisis will be along soon. No doubt that is not something that investment and pensions professionals want to dwell on but it needs to be faced.

  • Features

    Asset owners in Paris

    November 2015 (Magazine)

    Next month world leaders will gather in Paris to discuss the future of the planet. It might be a sweeping generalisation to view the UN Climate Change Conference as such a crucial event, but the summit marks the first time since 2009 that governments stand a chance of concluding a treaty to replace the Kyoto Protocol.

  • Opinion Pieces

    Letter from Brussels: Focus on low returns

    November 2015 (Magazine)

    Dismally low returns on EU pension fund investments over 15 years? The allegation comes in a study by Better Finance, the European Federation of Investors & Financial Services Users. The report, Pensions Savings: The Real Return, points to excessive fees, points to other charges, and badly framed taxation rules, as the culprits.

  • Opinion Pieces

    Letter from the US: Lower expectations

    November 2015 (Magazine)

    Most US state retirement systems are cutting their investment return predictions. But this is still not enough, according to critics, and a minority of public pension funds are retaining optimistic assumptions and aggressive strategies.

  • Opinion Pieces

    Guest Viewpoint: Mark Fawcett - National Employment Savings Trust (UK)

    November 2015 (Magazine)

    It is early days for the UK’s new pension regime under which DC savers no longer have to buy an annuity. However, there are already lessons to be learned from the reforms. 

  • Features

    Pulled in two directions

    October 2015 (Magazine)

    It is understandable that politicians covet institutional capital to help finance future economic growth

  • Opinion Pieces

    Letter from the US: From small beginnings

    October 2015 (Magazine)

    The US private retirement annuity market is quite small. But it is likely to grow dramatically thanks to the convergence of various factors

  • Features

    This is not a debt crisis

    October 2015 (Magazine)

    The widely held claim that the world is in the latter stages of a prolonged debt crisis should be challenged on more than one count 

  • Cayman Islands Sign
    Opinion Pieces

    Letter from Brussels: Pressure builds on tax havens

    October 2015 (Magazine)

    Brussels’ financial focus is on aggressive corporate tax planning and the related question of tax havens. This concerns the hedge fund ‘passport’ rights to do business across the EU and compliance of the offshore jurisdictions where they are domiciled to EU norms.

  • Features

    Long-term views required

    October 2015 (Magazine)

    For institutional investors with long-term time horizons, equities make a lot of sense, particularly when bond markets appear to be in a government induced bubble

  • Opinion Pieces

    Guest Viewpoint: Philip Neyt - Belgian Association of Pension Institutions

    October 2015 (Magazine)

    Notwithstanding further reforms, most EU member states have improved the efficiency and financial affordability of their first-pillar pension systems