More comment – Page 40

  • Opinion Pieces

    Letter from the US: A model for future cuts?

    February 2015 (Magazine)

    The pension industry is concerned with the consequences of a bipartisan amendment to the $1.1trn (€924 bn) ominbus spending bill that Congress approved in December. This cuts benefits for multi-employer plan members and experts are now debating whether it is a model for further cuts across the industry.

  • Opinion Pieces

    Guest viewpoint: Bernhard Wiesner - Bosch Group

    February 2015 (Magazine)

    Does the new IORP II Directive reflect the needs of sponsoring companies and their IORPs in Europe?

  • Features

    Frozen conflict

    January 2015 (Magazine)

    Since a 1964 report on road pricing in the UK, authored by one RJ Smeed, the idea of charging citizens for use of public highways has been repeatedly raised in Britain. 

  • Opinion Pieces

    Letter from the US: Data managers

    January 2015 (Magazine)

    Technological tools, data management, attention to governance and transparency are the most important issues for pension fund CIOs right now.

  • Features

    Investors are ‘ill prepared’ for climate change

    January 2015 (Magazine)

    Investors are ill prepared for a loss of asset value due to climate change, according to a poll conducted at the 2014 IPE Conference.At the event, 83% of delegates said they were badly or very badly prepared for such a development.

  • Features

    Savvy execution is the new silver bullet

    January 2015 (Magazine)

    In the third article in a new series, Pascal Blanqué and Amin Rajan argue that the ex post returns no longer match the ex ante promises

  • Opinion Pieces

    Guest viewpoint: Con Keating - BrightonRock Group

    January 2015 (Magazine)

    With 78% of pension funds considering themselves long-term investors in an IPE Focus Group survey, it would be tempting to believe that dramatic progress had been made towards achieving the objectives of the Kay Review on UK equity markets.

  • Opinion Pieces

    Guest Viewpoint: “Asset owners and managers need to address the problems in the investment industry and focus on value for the ultimate beneficiaries”

    December 2014 (Magazine)

    We need to move on from today’s investment world, which essentially has been built by intermediaries for intermediaries. Their purposes have become too narrow and too self-centred to be of sustainable value to asset owners, who are charged with transporting and growing savings across time – affordably, securely and fairly.

  • Opinion Pieces

    Research: Ageing demographics are an asset allocation game changer

    December 2014 (Magazine)

    Two of the four worst bear markets of the last century rocked the world of investing over just seven years in the last decade. They sidelined conventional wisdom on risk premia and diversification. 

  • Opinion Pieces

    Letter from the US: End to pensions taboo

    December 2014 (Magazine)

    Pension reform is no longer a taboo subject for voters: this is one of the outcomes of the 4 November mid-term elections. 

  • Book Review

    Book Review: Exploding the fairy tale

    December 2014 (Magazine)

    Essays in Positive Investment Management, Pascal Blanqué, 

  • Features

    A-shares on the rise

    November 2014 (Magazine)

    There are signs that European institutional investors find Chinese equities interesting. Finland’s Ilmarinen now separates China equity holdings (A and H-shares), in its reports, and Denmark’s AP Pension has boosted its China equity exposure to 5%, although it has excluded domestic property and banks.

  • Features

    That’s about the size of it

    November 2014 (Magazine)

    In late September, one of the world’s largest pension funds ditched its hedge funds, and one of the world’s largest mutual funds lost its manager. One decision made sense, but not for the reasons most commentators put forward. The other made sense, despite all the focus on the nonsense surrounding it.

  • Features

    Hill’s grilling on an open fire

    November 2014 (Magazine)

    After two hearings and nearly six hours of grandstanding and deflection, rhetorical and leading questions, the European Parliament in October approved Jonathan Hill’s appointment as financial services commissioner.

  • Opinion Pieces

    Letter from Brussels: Capital market union

    November 2014 (Magazine)

    The capital market union (CMU) is a new emphasis in Brussels and Jonathan Hill, the new Commissioner for financial services, mentioned the subject repeatedly at his initial vetting by MEPs.

  • Opinion Pieces

    Letter from the US: Pensions and start-ups

    November 2014 (Magazine)

    Can pension funds play a greater role in stimulating start-ups and economic growth? Some US politicians think so and are trying to deploy public retirement assets for this goal. But critics claim that results have been disappointing so far, mostly because pension funds invest through private equity funds that demand very high fees. So a new idea is gaining support – pension funds investing directly in private companies, cutting out intermediaries.

  • Opinion Pieces

    Guest viewpoint: “Macro matters. We ignore it at our peril”

    November 2014 (Magazine)

    Open a newspaper. Any newspaper. Read the front page and then the business pages. Absorb, assimilate, repeat. After half a dozen goes, you may notice a pattern. 

  • Features

    The ‘what’ and ‘why’ of costs

    October 2014 (Magazine)

    Controversies around pension funds’ asset management costs in various countries tell us something about the mood of the times, but they also suggest that changes are needed in the way pension boards select and justify their strategy choices to members and the wider world.

  • Features

    Divergence trades, depression trades

    October 2014 (Magazine)

    “It’s one of our big themes,” said Kathleen Hughes, head of European institutional sales at Goldman Sachs Asset Management, talking about central bank policy divergence over meet-the-press drinks in early September, four hours after European Central Bank president Mario Draghi had taken the deposit rate further into negative territory and announced plans to purchase covered bonds and asset-backed securities. The euro had a terrible day; Goldman Sachs had a pretty good one.

  • Features

    No rush for auto enrolment

    October 2014 (Magazine)

    As part of their commitment to turn around their economies, Spain and Portugal have tackled pension issues, both by reducing expenditure and by taking the first steps towards making retirement systems fairer and more efficient.