More comment – Page 41

  • Features

    Pensions in the picture

    October 2014 (Magazine)

    Just three years after Europe’s pension fund representative bodies were successful in their proposal to create a separate occupational pensions stakeholder group within the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) – under the previous CEIOPS committee of pension and insurance supervisors a single stakeholder group covered both sectors – there is now a proposal to merge the two stakeholder groups. Although this will have to be ratified by the European Parliament, here are a few points that might help those involved understand why this issue really matters.

  • Features

    The high stakes of stakeholder group reform

    October 2014 (Magazine)

    Changes to the governance and funding structure of the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) now seem inevitable, after it was adopted as one of the core policies for new European commissioner Jonathan Hill.

  • Features

    The UK regulator has got its teeth back

    October 2014 (Magazine)

    Champagne corks were popping back in August near the UK’s south coast when Brighton-based UK Pensions Regulator (TPR) ended a six-year legal battle with the insolvent Lehman Brothers.

  • Opinion Pieces

    Crony capitalism

    October 2014 (Magazine)

    The public gets it. Academics and financial analysts get it. In fact, many experts say it is the most important governance and democracy issue of our time. So why do investors have so little to say about political donations and the corporate capture of politics?

  • Opinion Pieces

    Woody at work

    October 2014 (Magazine)

    Woody is the villain of the new book The US Pension Crisis – What We Need to Do Now to Save America’s Pensions, by Ronald Ryan. According to Ryan, Woody is the “pension pencil” or “the weapon of mass destruction in financial America”, used since the 1990s for accounting gimmicks that conceal the real financial situation of pension funds. 

  • Opinion Pieces

    A stinging rebuke

    October 2014 (Magazine)

    The private pension product sector is “persistently the worst-performing retail services market of all throughout the European Union”, according to the European Commission, as cited in a new report.

  • Opinion Pieces

    “Governance can serve as a stimulus to improve and nurture pension organisations”

    October 2014 (Magazine)

    Once a year, the US professional basketball league organises its all-star competition. Players from teams across the country are selected as the best in their respective positions. Could we have an all-star pension industry, uniting the best standards and practices under one roof?

  • Features

    DC plans in search of credibility

    October 2014 (Magazine)

    Worldwide, diversity increasingly characterises defined contribution (DC) schemes. There are employee-managed plans in Hong Kong, Japan, the UK and the US. There are trustee-led plans in Australia, Brazil, Chile, continental Europe and South Africa. There are state-supervised DC plans in China, India, Malaysia and Singapore.  

  • Features

    Collective lessons from professionals

    September 2014 (Magazine)

    Experience shows that the benefits of intergenerational solidarity and collective pension risk sharing are often not appreciated, particularly by those who feel they are shouldering a greater share of the burden than they ought.

  • Features

    Time for trusteeship

    July 2014 (Magazine)

    Senior staff at China Investment Corporation (CIC) are talking about investment governance these days, reflecting growing recognition of the importance of sound non-executive or supervisory board oversight for all kinds of entities, be they global companies, sovereign wealth entities or pension funds.

  • Features

    Bond managers are worryingly sanguine

    July 2014 (Magazine)

    ECB president Mario Draghi unveiled his latest measures to arrest disinflation and rouse dormant corporate lending markets in June. Soon afterwards, big records started tumbling.

  • Features

    Put the trust back

    July 2014 (Magazine)

    Italy is a self-perpetuating paradox. Structural and historical forces keep the country under constant pressure; yet they drive a search for innovation to solve long-lasting problems. The pension system is a perfect example. 

  • Opinion Pieces

    Is divesting working?

    July 2014 (Magazine)

    OK, it  doesn’t work very well. We’re still on track for runaway climate change, according to Fatih Birol, chief economist of the International Energy Authority.

  • Opinion Pieces

    What's outstanding

    July 2014 (Magazine)

    The EU’s institutional world is starting a new term. Now that the parliamentary elections are over, the commissioners have only until the end of October before their replacements take up office. With the increasing presence of euro-sceptic MEPs, it could be a stressful five years ahead.

  • Opinion Pieces

    On track with 401(k)

    July 2014 (Magazine)

    Individual retirement savings accounts (IRAs) have been helping US workers navigate the ups and downs of Wall Street since the 2008 financial crisis. IRAs and employer-sponsored defined contribution (DC) plans grew to $6.5trn and $5.9trn (€4.8trn and €4.3trn), respectively, at year-end 2013, up from $5.6trn and $5trn the previous year, according to data in the 2014 Investment Company Fact Book.

  • Features

    Risk in emerging markets and beyond

    July 2014 (Magazine)

    Book review Emerging Markets in an Upside Down World: Challenging Perceptions in Asset Allocation and Investment, Jerome Booth (Wiley, £29.99)

  • Opinion Pieces

    “Italian employees have great need of consistent additional pension coverage”

    July 2014 (Magazine)

    Assets managed by pension funds in Italy equate to about 6% of its gross domestic product. In a country where the social security system provides an adequate level of coverage at retirement that would not be a concern. But in Italy, after all the recent reforms, this situation represents a relevant risk for both employees and employers. Benefits provided by the social security system have strongly decreased over the last 20 years and the retirement age raised considerably. 

  • Features

    Another eventful summer

    June 2014 (Magazine)

    The Spanish Treasury joined the UK, Germany, France and Italy as the fifth European sovereign to issue inflation-linked bonds on 13 May, raising €5bn for 10-year paper that was four times oversubscribed. 

  • Features

    Put the trust back

    June 2014 (Magazine)

    Being outside the EU doesn’t mean you escape regulation. Swiss pension funds are complaining about excessive regulation – in this case, the burden is homemade and only to some extent fuelled by the financial crisis. 

  • Features

    Scania and the benefits of independence

    June 2014 (Magazine)

    Volkswagen’s bid for heavy vehicle manufacturer Scania has divided Swedish institutional investors, with the division no more apparent than among its buffer funds.