More comment – Page 43

  • Opinion Pieces

    ESG lacks something

    April 2014 (Magazine)

    No, I haven’t had a damascene conversion to become an ESG critic. Rather, my argument is that the ESG (environment, social and governance) community needs to add another ‘E’, for economics.

  • Opinion Pieces

    Towards a 29th regime

    April 2014 (Magazine)

    A single-market regime for third-pillar pensions has moved closer with a paper entitled Towards an EU-Single Market for Personal Pensions from the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA).

  • Features

    A model but no debate

    April 2014 (Magazine)

    One of the most outspoken critics of pensions accounting and the IASB is Tim Bush. Since 2011, Bush, a former ICAEW Council member, and self-confessed MBA-group-think-phobe, has taken the lead on governance and financial analysis at PIRC. His assessment of accountancy’s shortcomings is disarmingly blunt – not only have accountants lost the big picture, they have the detail wrong.

  • Opinion Pieces

    Retirement saving boost

    April 2014 (Magazine)

    Who will manage the new My Retirement Account (MyRA) retirement savings vehicle? This is a big question for the US pension fund industry now that President Barack Obama has created the new programme.

  • Opinion Pieces

    Thomas Richter CEO BVI, Germany’s asset management association

    April 2014 (Magazine)

    “Auto enrolment would make sense in Germany and could develop through collective bargaining”

  • Opinion Pieces

    Brussels to develop rules for social funds

    March 2014 (Magazine)

    Brussels looks set to flesh out the existing EU regulation for European Social Entrepreneurship Funds (EuSEFs), which lays down broad principles as to how funds should be governed.

  • Opinion Pieces

    Intriguing opportunities

    March 2014 (Magazine)

    De-risking strategies are likely to become more popular with US corporate pension funds now they have reached their healthiest state since the crisis. This trend has been ongoing for the last couple of years but may substantially accelerate in 2014, says consultancy Towers Watson.

  • Opinion Pieces

    Debbie Harrison Visiting professor The Pensions Institute, Cass Business School, UK

    March 2014 (Magazine)

    “The most important factor that determines the outcome in DC pensions is the member charge, not the investment strategy”

  • Features

    Trust me, I manage money

    January 2014 (Magazine)

    No-one doubts that trust, ethics and integrity are central to pension and investment management.

  • Features

    When China sneezes… 2014

    January 2014 (Magazine)

    The spectre of the volatility that struck emerging markets in 2013 hangs over many of the investment pages of this month’s IPE. And no wonder – it feels like last year provided confirmation, at last, that these markets are entering a new paradigm.

  • Features

    No cheer

    January 2014 (Magazine)

    As we start a new year, Dutch pension schemes find little reason to be jolly.

  • Features

    On the quiet

    January 2014 (Magazine)

    Activist investors are sometimes a colourful breed. One of them was the now infamous Florian Homm, who fell from grace in September 2007 in spectacular style.

  • Features

    Large schemes warming to local investment

    January 2014 (Magazine)

    Dutch pension funds’ assets of €1trn were the Holy Grail for politicians and companies to plug banks’ funding gap of €478bn last year. By taking over a substantial amount of mortgage loans, pension funds could free up banks’ lending capacity and kick-start the ailing housing market and local economy.

  • Opinion Pieces

    Not ready yet

    January 2014 (Magazine)

    ‘Retirement readiness’ is the catch phrase of 2014 in the US pension industry.

  • Opinion Pieces

    Nitin Mehta, CFA Managing director, EMEA, CFA Institute

    January 2014 (Magazine)

    “Over recent decades, secular shifts in values have resulted in too much emphasis on profits and not enough on professionalism”

  • News

    IPE Views: Liboring under false pretences


    The Libor and Euribor fines expose not only the importance of engagement, but also the cost of inaction for pension funds

  • Features

    The fiduciary fight

    December 2013 (Magazine)

    Should trustees feel constrained by the existing interpretation of their fiduciary duties? 

  • Features

    Funds to increase infrastructure investment

    November 2013 (Magazine)

    Nearly two-thirds of pension funds and other institutional investors expect their allocations to infrastructure to increase over the next 18 months, according to a survey by IPE and Stirling Capital Partners.

  • Opinion Pieces

    ESG 2.0 – let’s get serious

    November 2013 (Magazine)

    The responsible investment community has done something very important. It has raised awareness that institutional investors who define their job as beating the peer group benchmark are being irresponsible – stewardship responsibilities for the long term are now on the agenda. But the current trading-oriented model of investment is impossible to align with these responsibilities.