More comment – Page 50

  • The difficulty of building an efficient pensions system

    The difficulty of building an efficient pensions system


    Sometimes it takes a downturn to tackle inefficiencies that go unnoticed when times are good.

  • Opinion Pieces

    EC backing for VC

    May 2012 (Magazine)

    Radical changes in opportunities to invest in venture capital (VC) are emerging via the EU, including in Brussels, where the European Parliament is now vetting a draft Regulation on European Venture Capital Funds. The package aims to make it easier for VC funds to raise capital from across the EU.

  • Opinion Pieces

    Politics of change

    May 2012 (Magazine)

    The nomination of Mitt Romney as the Republican candidate to the White House may bring a lot of attention to the US pension fund industry. If he wins the election on 6 November, he could introduce a partial privatisation of Social Security, the compulsory insurance programme funded through payroll taxes. The first president to talk about privatising it was also a Republican one, George W Bush, but his proposal went nowhere.

  • Opinion Pieces

    Jeroen Wilbrink & Jelle Beenen

    May 2012 (Magazine)

    In the Guest Viewpoint column of IPE March 2012, Kees Cools and Anton van Nunen claimed that the current calculation used in assessing the health of a pension scheme is incorrect. They also claimed it had forced pension schemes to sell ‘cheap’ equities in favour of ‘expensive’ sovereign bonds, and that this selling has depressed prices of equities.

  • News

    Are fiduciary consultants neglecting their duty on hedge funds?


    The fiduciary model for hedge funds is not unlike a customised fund-of-funds mandate.

  • OTC derivatives and the law of unintended consequences

    OTC derivatives and the law of unintended consequences


    The more Brussels tries to reduce risk, the more it seems to grow, says Cecile Sourbes.

  • Ireland's Social Welfare and Pensions Bill: A bridge too far?

    Ireland's Social Welfare and Pensions Bill: A bridge too far?


    'Incentivising' local pension funds to invest in sovereign bonds might not be the best idea.

  • Charities should take note of Royal Mail pensions precedent

    Charities should take note of Royal Mail pensions precedent


    Many may find themselves in very similar circumstances, says Spence & Partners.

  • News

    IPA: How long will Beijing's reformist reawakening last?


    Has the Communist Party rediscovered radical change? Don’t get your hopes up just yet.

  • Martin Steward: Is equity really a 'stranded asset'?

    Martin Steward: Is equity really a 'stranded asset'?


    Why it is more important to diversify savers' time horizons than to lengthen them.

  • Trustees: Where will the next generation come from?

    Trustees: Where will the next generation come from?


    The Australians have put their minds to a problem that will affect the pensions industry worldwide.

  • Pensionsfonds, 10 years on

    Pensionsfonds, 10 years on


    Germany's investment set-up is as infuriatingly complex to outsiders as the country's fiscal system.

  • ESG idealism: The market is right to be suspicious

    ESG idealism: The market is right to be suspicious


    Osmosis's Gerrit Heyns wonders whether principles are needed to make responsible investments.

  • Opinion Pieces

    Funds join the fray

    April 2012 (Magazine)

    This proxy season in the US is likely to be highly politicised, with the public sector’s pension funds playing a big role. In fact, it will be a test for several rules introduced by the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. In addition, the 2012 presidential campaign is getting hotter, with the Republican candidates promising to repeal the Act, if elected. The Republicans already control the House of Representatives and might conquer the Senate, too. Moreover, if Barack Obama loses, the new Republican president will be able to nominate a new Securities and Exchange Commission chairman and the SEC will change from a Democratic majority to a 3-2 Republican majority.

  • Ronald Doeswijk & Laurens Swinkels, Robeco
    Opinion Pieces

    Ronald Doeswijk & Laurens Swinkels, Robeco

    April 2012 (Magazine)

    To start this contribution on inflation, let’s open with some facts. First, central banks around the world tend to target inflation rates. In developed countries, an inflation target of 2% is not unusual. Second, since major central banks around the globe started to target inflation in the early 1980s, inflation has fallen from double-digit figures to low single digits. So, it is not that difficult to conclude that central banks’ targets are realistic and that there is hardly any reason for investors to worry about inflation in the medium term.

  • Benjie Fraser on the advent of super trusts

    Benjie Fraser on the advent of super trusts


    What's the difference between super-sizing and super trusts? Not much, says Benjie Fraser.

  • Dutch pension funds: Big ain't so beautiful

    Dutch pension funds: Big ain't so beautiful


    Since 2007, the number of Dutch pension funds has declined by about a third.

  • The euro-zone crisis: The more you struggle …

    The euro-zone crisis: The more you struggle …


    Remember Chinese finger traps from childhood? Europe is full of them, says Martin Steward.

  • Opinion Pieces

    Bankruptcy wave threat

    March 2012 (Magazine)

    A new wave of bankruptcies is set to put more pressure on the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC), the US pension agency that insures pension benefits of private pension plans covering some 44m of America’s workers and retirees. For fiscal year 2011, the PBGC has already reported a record $26bn (€19.8bn) deficit – the largest in its 37-year history and $3bn more than the $23bn deficit reported the previous year.

  • A few rules of thumb for bond investors

    A few rules of thumb for bond investors


    M&G's David Lloyd questions the credibility of 'view-based' bond strategies.