Nordic socially responsible investment consulting firm CaringCompany has changed its named to GES Investment Services.
The company says the aim of the rebranding exercise was to strengthen the profile of the company for an international expansion effort.
Managing director Magnus Furugård says the name change would give the firm one trademark, and that it would “underline our role as a service company for investors”. GES stands for Global Ethical Standard, its key product.
“We get a name that is internationally marketable,” Furugård adds.
In March the company named Ingrid Jansson of SEB as its chairman and Sarita Bartlett, formerly of Storebrand, to its board. It stated its aim to be the leading European SRI analysis company within three years.
However, in October this year, the Norwegian ministry of finance said it would not continue the Petroleum Fund’s relationship with the firm’s former incarnation CaringCompany, saying an internal committee was “highly critical” of a CaringCompany report.
In response, CaringCompany said the fund had only been testing its product and that no contract had been signed between the two sides.
