UK - Tom Boardman, director of retirement strategy and innovation at Prudential UK, has been appointed a trustee member-designate of the NEST Corporation, the body which will run the UK's new low-cost pension scheme for moderate to low earners, the National Employment Savings Trust (NEST).

Boardman has 35 years' experience of the pensions and insurance industry and other current roles include membership of the investment governance group chaired by the Pensions Regulator and an honorary visiting professorship at the Cass Business School.

His appointment is one of seven announced by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). Lawrence Churchill, currently chair of the Pension Protection Fund (PPF), has already been appointed chair-designate of the Nest Corporation from 1 February 2010.

The new deputy chair-designate is Jeannie Drake, acting chair of PADA. Drake is also a board member of the PPF and a member of the Employment Appeals Tribunal.

Another notable member-designate is Chris Hitchen, chief executive of the Railways Pension Trustee Company and its subsidiary RPMI. Hitchen, previously CIO of the pension scheme, is a former chair of the NAPF and of the NAPF's Investment Council.

Appointee Laurie Edmans is chair of the Safe Homes Income Plans Group and deputy chair of MGM Assurance. He is hcurrently a non-executive director of the Pensions Regulator and a council member for the Pensions Policy Institute.

The remaining members-designate are Julius Pursaill, a former head of defined contribution business at Merrill Lynch Investment Managers, now working as a consultant;  Dianne Hayter, chair, Legal Services Consumer Panel; and Sue Slipman, director of the Foundation Trust Network and a former chair of the Financial Ombudsman Service.

Tim Jones, chief executive of the Personal Accounts Delivery Authority (PADA), the public body responsible for setting up the NEST structure, said the new appointments signalled the NEST Corporation "is really beginning to take shape".

He added that Drake's commitment to pension reform and the delivery of NEST "has been unwavering since she took up her role on the Pensions Commission and then with PADA. This decision means she will be able to see that commitment through to delivery of a scheme that will help millions achieve a better income in retirement".

All appointments are for five years except for Drake, Edmans and Pursail, who are appointed for four years.

Meanwhile the government has also published the final NEST Order and rules that will come into effect from 5 July 2010, and which sets out the framework for the operation of NEST. 
