Notes from Europe – Page 4

  • Opinion Pieces

    Letter from Brussels: Race to upgrade EFSI

    March 2016 (Magazine)

    Legislative moves to support the EU’s European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) are being rushed through Brussels. But, so far, evidence of any torrent of fund movement by the institutional investment sector across EU frontiers has yet to emerge.

  • Opinion Pieces

    Letter from Brussels: A simmering conflict

    February 2016 (Magazine)

    Conflict continues to simmer over the issue of passport rights for non-EU-domiciled hedge funds across the EU

  • Opinion Pieces

    Letter from Brussels: A lawyer’s feast

    January 2016 (Magazine)

    It is a case of tackling one challenge after another in the Capital Markets Union (CMU). According to the European Commission, the present morass of different national insolvency rules creates a barrier to the flow of capital across the EU. 

  • Opinion Pieces

    Letter from Brussels: Cross-border challenge for IORP II

    December 2015 (Magazine)

    IORP II may have cleared the European Parliament’s committee stage but amendments tabled to the second directive covering occupational pensions since 2003 are so radical that it would be unwise to forecast its future.

  • Opinion Pieces

    Letter from Brussels: Focus on low returns

    November 2015 (Magazine)

    Dismally low returns on EU pension fund investments over 15 years? The allegation comes in a study by Better Finance, the European Federation of Investors & Financial Services Users. The report, Pensions Savings: The Real Return, points to excessive fees, points to other charges, and badly framed taxation rules, as the culprits.

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    Opinion Pieces

    Letter from Brussels: Pressure builds on tax havens

    October 2015 (Magazine)

    Brussels’ financial focus is on aggressive corporate tax planning and the related question of tax havens. This concerns the hedge fund ‘passport’ rights to do business across the EU and compliance of the offshore jurisdictions where they are domiciled to EU norms.

  • Opinion Pieces

    Letter from Brussels: A tricky path ahead

    September 2015 (Magazine)

    The process of making pensions policy in Brussels between now and end of the year resembles two juggernauts moving towards each other

  • Opinion Pieces

    Letter from Brussels: Ready with the axe?

    July / August 2015 (Magazine)

    The lack of demand rather than supply for both credit and capital is a common criticism from investors of the EU’s capital market union (CMU) programme

  • Opinion Pieces

    Letter from Brussels: Awaking a sleep-walking economy

    June 2015 (Magazine)

    A few more European cross-border lending opportunities have started to emerge. This follows anticipation of the European Investment Plan launched by Jean-Claude Juncker

  • Opinion Pieces

    Letter from Brussels: Bond market scrutiny

    May 2015 (Magazine)

    There has been a flurry of activity and comment from industry groups on the subject of bond market liquidity

  • Opinion Pieces

    Letter from Brussels: Uphill battle for CMU

    April 2015 (Magazine)

    There is enthusiasm for the EU’s capital market union (CMU) project. However, it faces prodigious obstacles in achieving its 2019 deadline.

  • Opinion Pieces

    Letter from Brussels: Bumpy road ahead

    March 2015 (Magazine)

    As far as investment is concerned, the EU faces a turbulent 2015. The efforts of Jean-Claude Juncker are central to arresting the EU economy from its zombie state.

  • Opinion Pieces

    Letter from Brussels: Pensions in their sights

    February 2015 (Magazine)

    EU big shots working on how to release capital flows from funds into SMEs under the new Capital Market Union (CMU) programme should look at an existing scheme with similar aims. 

  • Opinion Pieces

    Letter from Brussels: Capital market union

    November 2014 (Magazine)

    The capital market union (CMU) is a new emphasis in Brussels and Jonathan Hill, the new Commissioner for financial services, mentioned the subject repeatedly at his initial vetting by MEPs.

  • Opinion Pieces

    A stinging rebuke

    October 2014 (Magazine)

    The private pension product sector is “persistently the worst-performing retail services market of all throughout the European Union”, according to the European Commission, as cited in a new report.

  • Opinion Pieces

    What's outstanding

    July 2014 (Magazine)

    The EU’s institutional world is starting a new term. Now that the parliamentary elections are over, the commissioners have only until the end of October before their replacements take up office. With the increasing presence of euro-sceptic MEPs, it could be a stressful five years ahead.

  • Opinion Pieces

    Lighting dark corners

    June 2014 (Magazine)

    The European Commission’s planned revisions to rules on shareholder rights aim to encourage a culture of long-term equity investment across the EU.

  • Opinion Pieces

    The countdown begins

    May 2014 (Magazine)

    The countdown has started. By the end of May, 751 members of the European Parliament will have been selected by as many of the 400m electors who care enough to vote.

  • Opinion Pieces

    Towards a 29th regime

    April 2014 (Magazine)

    A single-market regime for third-pillar pensions has moved closer with a paper entitled Towards an EU-Single Market for Personal Pensions from the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA).

  • Opinion Pieces

    Brussels to develop rules for social funds

    March 2014 (Magazine)

    Brussels looks set to flesh out the existing EU regulation for European Social Entrepreneurship Funds (EuSEFs), which lays down broad principles as to how funds should be governed.