All IPE articles in November 2010 (Magazine) – Page 2

  • Country Report

    The Nordic Region: Norway A concentrated equity market

    November 2010 (Magazine)

    Norway’s stock exchange, Oslo Børs, comprises of 203 issuers, of which 36 are foreign companies. The market-cap totals almost NOK1.5trn (€186bn) and the exchange saw six new listings in 2010.

  • Features

    Cashflow kings

    November 2010 (Magazine)

    Any long-term investor should be a dividend investor, notes Lynn Strongin Dodds. But the rules of the game are changing

  • Country Report

    The Nordic Region: Denmark’s planned venture capital fund

    November 2010 (Magazine)

    When key parties from the Danish pensions industry emerged from their meeting with the economics and business affairs minister Brian Mikkelsen back in August 2010, they declared themselves optimistic that somehow they would work together to put together DKK5bn (€670m) of funding to help small and medium-sized enterprises in their ...

  • Interviews

    Bridges to somewhere

    November 2010 (Magazine)

    Mark Weisdorf knows a thing or two about how and why pension funds invest in infrastructure assets. Before joining JP Morgan Asset Management (JPMAM) to set up its infrastructure investments group in 2006 he developed the real estate, private equity and infrastructure strategies for the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board’s CA$130bn (€92bn) portfolio, experience that led to his founding Mark Weisdorf Associates, a consultancy dedicated to advising institutional investors on their allocations to these asset classes.

  • Asset Class Reports

    Global Equities: Breaking the constraints

    November 2010 (Magazine)

    Joseph Mariathasan finds that while modern portfolio theory and orthodox strategies can serve investors and fund managers well, there can be greater rewards for those willing to step away from convention

  • Country Report

    The Nordic Region: External blacklists dominate ESG

    November 2010 (Magazine)

    Scandinavian investors have for a long time had a sustainably orientated ethical approach. But Nina Rohrbein finds that this is not playing to the positive

  • Country Report

    The Nordic Region: Sweden Home bias wanes

    November 2010 (Magazine)

    Pirkko Juntunen finds that competition reasons may sway domestic allocations among life and pension companies

  • Asset Class Reports

    Global Equities: World betas

    November 2010 (Magazine)

    Stock-specific risk dominates equity returns, finds Sudhir Nanda. But stockpickers should be aware that the contribution of systemic factor risks varies significantly across regions, sectors and time

  • Features

    Diary of an Investor: Don’t ban hammers

    November 2010 (Magazine)

    This year, staff from the global offices of Wasserdicht pension funds are in Amsterdam for our annual get-together. This explains why I am hosting the event.

  • Features

    Bridging the Atlantic

    November 2010 (Magazine)

    Gail Moss reports on a transatlantic collaboration project between four pension associations to form a joint response on accounting standards proposals

  • Special Report

    Inflation Assets: The Eternal Coin

    November 2010 (Magazine)

    In an age when plastic and digital forms are taking over the role of money, a coin that never loses value could be the solution to a lifelong problem, write Malcolm Cooper, Ian Harris and Michael Mainelli

  • Inflation Assets: Timber
    Special Report

    Inflation Assets: Timber

    November 2010 (Magazine)

    Investors recognise the inflation-hedging properties of timberland. Martin Steward asks whether it can be managed for regular inflation-linked cash flows

  • Special Report

    Inflation Assets: Intricacies of infrastructure

    November 2010 (Magazine)

    Infrastructure can offer some inflation protection, but pension funds must know what they are doing, writes Maha Khan Phillips

  • Special Report

    Inflation Assets: Safe as houses

    November 2010 (Magazine)

    Martin Steward looks at some alternative real estate-related cash flows for their inflation-sensitivity and minimal exposure to capital value volatility

  • Inflation Assets: The great divide
    Special Report

    Inflation Assets: The great divide

    November 2010 (Magazine)

    Anthony Harrington surveys competing views on the direction of inflation and bond yields

  • Special Report

    The Nordic Region: Early movers and growing assets

    November 2010 (Magazine)

    Susanne Jacobson and Linda Stany assess the role smaller investors are playing in the responsible investment area

  • Features

    Case study of a US asset manager

    November 2010 (Magazine)

    “Asset management is a craft industry and may always remain so. Its food chain is changing but predictions about consolidation are too simplistic. In manufacturing, consolidation is occurring in ownership, not activities: as size has proved an enemy of alpha, the craft end is being fragmented to create independent and ...

  • Opinion Pieces

    Toby Nangle, Director, Baring Asset Management

    November 2010 (Magazine)

    “Developing countries are positioned to enjoy a demographic dividend from now until 2030-35”

  • Features

    Twin-track approach

    November 2010 (Magazine)

    Nina Röhrbein asked Henrik Olejasz Larsen (pictured), CIO of Denmark’s Sampension, about the challenge of offering policies based on contrasting investment strategies

  • Country Report

    The Nordic Region: Hedge fund appetite

    November 2010 (Magazine)

    Charlotte Bonde Tamm presents insights into hedge fund investments among Nordic investors