EUROPE - The number of people living to the age of 80 or more will almost triple by 2060, and almost one-third of the population will be over 65, the European Commission is predicting.

More specifically, data from Eurostat - the statistical office of the European communities - projects population growth will increase from 495 million people on 1 January 2008 to 521 million by 2035.

The United Kingdom is predicted to become have the largest population by then with 77 million people, followed by France with 72 million, Germany with 71 million, Italy with 59 million and Spain with 52 million people.

That said, some countries will see a higher pensioner dependency ratio as Poland will see 36.2% of its people reach 65 or more, followed by Slovakia with 36.1%, Romania with 35%, Denmark with 25%, the UK with 24.7% and Luxembourg with 23.6%

Cyprus will also the most significant population growth by 2060, rising from 795,000 people in 2008 to 1.12 million in 2035 and 1.32 million by 2060 - an increase of 41% and 66% respectively.

The average weighting means the EU27 community will have approximately two working age to every person aged 65 or more by 2060, said Eurostat.

Data from current birth and death rates has been used to predict how the population of each EU27 country will grow, and how that will translate as people over the age of 65 and 80 by 2035 and 2060.
