All principal adverse impacts (PAIs) articles
EU told all financial products should report on sustainability
The PRI has called for a universal baseline in SFDR to create a ‘level playing field’
Finance groups call for delay of SFDR technical changes given broader review
Efama, together with banking and insurance associations, pleads for coordination between RTS adoption and overarching review of SFDR
PwC finds limited ManCo compliance with SFDR PAI rules
Also, 39.1% of surveyed firms said they did not consider ‘principal adverse impacts’ of their investment decisions
EFAMA calls for consistency in response to ESAs SFDR consultation
The association ‘fails to see’ the added value of expanding disclosures on the ‘do no significant harm’ assessment of sustainable investments
IPE Conference: EIOPA chair encourages IORP SFDR PAI efforts
Speech came on the heels of news of a further delay to detailed SFDR compliance rules
Analysis: Pension funds embark on SFDR implementation journey
IPE analysis across four key EU pension jurisdictions finds uncertainty about the final detailed rules underpinning the anti-greenwashing regulation
IPE Blog – SFDR: Things to like and not to like
The Sustainable Finance Disclosures Regulation begins to take effect from 10 March